
This site contains the materials for an R course run by the Bioinformatics Core at the Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute.

April-June 2023


  • Abigail Edwards
  • Ashley Sawle
  • Chandra Chilamakuri
  • Kamal Kishore


R is one of the leading programming languages in Data Science and the most widely used within CRUK CI for interacting with, analyzing and visualizing cancer biology data sets.

In this training course, we aim to provide a friendly introduction to R pitched at a beginners level but also for those who have been on R training courses previously and would like a refresher or to consolidate their skills.

  • Lesson each Thursday at 9:30 am lasting 90 minutes

  • More in-depth material covering the concepts introduced on the Thursday lesson to go through in your own time

  • A weekly assignment consisting of exercises to practice some of the concepts covered in that and previous week’s lessons

  • Please contact bioinformatics team (340A) if you have any questions. You could also email us on .

  • More in-depth ggplot book covering the concepts introduced in this course to go through in your own time

  • More in-depth tidyverse book covering the concepts introduced in this course to go through in your own time


  1. Introduction to R (20 April) - An introduction to RStudio, R objects, data types, functions and vectors

  2. Introduction to R (27 April) - An introduction to other data structures

  3. Working with data (4 May) - Reading data into R tabular data

  4. Data visualization with ggplot2 (11 May) - A common grammar to create scatter plots, bar charts, boxplots, histograms and line graphs for time series data

  5. Data manipulation using dplyr (18 May) - Filtering and modifying tabular data, computing summary values, faceting with ggplot2

  6. Grouping and combining data (24 May) - Advanced grouping and summarization operations, joining data from different tables, customizing ggplot2 plots

  7. Restructuring data for analysis (1 June) - The concept of ‘tidy data’, pivoting and separating operations, ggplot2 extras