
  • Get acquainted with the R command prompt
  • Create named objects and assign values to them
  • Create and work with vectors containing series of values
  • Call functions and use arguments to change their default options
  • Look at how R handles missing values
  • Write R code in a script

Using R as a calculator

Open RStudio and type the following at the command prompt, > (in the console tab pane), to add two numbers together.

4 + 3
[1] 7

Clearly the answer is 7 but what’s the [1] that you see printed before it?

Sometimes operations will return more than one value and these may get written across several lines. Here’s an example using one of the built-in datasets that contains the lengths of the major North American rivers.

  [1]  735  320  325  392  524  450 1459  135  465  600  330  336  280  315  870
 [16]  906  202  329  290 1000  600  505 1450  840 1243  890  350  407  286  280
 [31]  525  720  390  250  327  230  265  850  210  630  260  230  360  730  600
 [46]  306  390  420  291  710  340  217  281  352  259  250  470  680  570  350
 [61]  300  560  900  625  332 2348 1171 3710 2315 2533  780  280  410  460  260
 [76]  255  431  350  760  618  338  981 1306  500  696  605  250  411 1054  735
 [91]  233  435  490  310  460  383  375 1270  545  445 1885  380  300  380  377
[106]  425  276  210  800  420  350  360  538 1100 1205  314  237  610  360  540
[121] 1038  424  310  300  444  301  268  620  215  652  900  525  246  360  529
[136]  500  720  270  430  671 1770

The numbers in brackets are indexes for the first element printed on each line, so the first line will always begin with [1] as that line starts with the first element. If a subsequent line starts with [11], for example, then the first element printed on that line is the eleventh element within the list.


Try doing some subtractions, multiplications and divisions at the R command prompt.

The operator for multiplication is * and for division it is /.

Let’s add several numbers together.

32.33 + 28.6 + 29.49 + 25.7 + 30.81
[1] 146.93

And we’ll divide by 5 to get the mean value.

32.33 + 28.6 + 29.49 + 25.7 + 30.81 / 5
[1] 122.282

That doesn’t look right. Can you see how R has interpreted this?

The last of our values, 30.81, was divided by 5 before adding the result to the other values. This is because multiplication and division operations take precedence over addition and subtraction and so they are calculated first.

We can use parentheses to ensure that our values are added together before dividing by the number of values.

(32.33 + 28.6 + 29.49 + 25.7 + 30.81) / 5
[1] 29.386

Creating objects in R

If we want to use our average value, perhaps in another calculation, we need some way of storing it for use later. We need to assign the value to an object and we can do this with the assignment operator, <-.

average_tumour_size <- (32.33 + 28.6 + 29.49 + 25.7 + 30.81) / 5

It is also possible to use = for assignment and if you’re familiar with other programming languages this will feel more natural. <- is preferred though and there are some situations where using = may have unforeseen consequences.

Our new object is listed in the Environment tab in the top right panel in RStudio.

Objects are commonly referred to as variables, a term commonly used in other programming languages.

We can now use our object in further calculations. For example, if our tumour sizes were measured in millimetres and we wanted to convert the average value to centimetres, we could do the following:

average_tumour_size / 10
[1] 2.9386

We could assign the converted value to another object,

average_tumour_size_cm <- average_tumour_size / 10

or overwrite the existing one.

average_tumour_size <- average_tumour_size / 10

To check a value of our object, we can get R to print it out in the console by typing its name.

[1] 2.9386

Vectors and data types

A vector is an ordered series of values and is the simplest data structure in R. The rivers data set is an example of a vector.

We can create a vector of our tumour sizes using the c() function.

tumour_sizes <- c(32.33, 28.6, 29.49, 25.7, 30.81)
[1] 32.33 28.60 29.49 25.70 30.81

We’ll introduce functions in the next section but for now we note that c stands for ‘combine’ and the c() function combines the values it is given within the parentheses into a vector.

Most operations in R are ‘vectorized’, i.e. they can work on vectors. For example we can convert our tumour sizes to centimetres in a single operation.

tumour_sizes_cm <- tumour_sizes / 10
[1] 3.233 2.860 2.949 2.570 3.081

Vectors contain values that are all of the same type. So far, we’ve only been using numeric values but there are some other atomic data types including Boolean (logical) and character values.

Character values are strings of characters enclosed in quotation marks.

drug <- "Tamoxifen"
drugs <- c("Tamoxifen", "Fulvestrant", "Olaparib", "Paclitaxel")

Logical values can be either TRUE or FALSE.

positive_outcomes <- c(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE)

Logical values are produced when using logical operators, e.g. the greater than operator >.

average_tumour_size_cm > 3

We can also do this on vectors to produce logical vectors, something we’ll come back to shortly.

tumours_larger_than_30mm <- tumour_sizes > 30


Try creating a vector that contains values with different types (numeric, logical, character)

Try different combinations of types and see what happens, for example

c(FALSE, 2.5)

c(FALSE, 2.5, "hello")


R contains a large set of functions that do many useful operations. Let’s have a look at a simple example, the log2() function that calculates the base 2 logarithm of a number.

[1] 2

A function usually takes one or more inputs known as arguments. Functions often, but not always, return a value, which in turn can be assigned to an object.

a <- 10.25
b <- log2(a)
[1] 3.357552

The log2() function only takes a single argument. Let’s try a function that can take multiple arguments: round()

[1] 3

By default the round() function rounds to the nearest whole number. We can specify the number of digits to round to using the additional digits argument.

round(average_tumour_size, digits = 2)
[1] 2.94

Information about a function can be found on its help page by typing ?round or help(round) at the command prompt.


The ‘Help’ tab should be visible in the lower right panel in RStudio.

The Usage section shows that the default value for the digits argument is 0 and that digits refers to the number of decimal places. The help page also gives information for some related functions, signif(), ceiling(), etc.

So if we don’t specify the value for digits, it will round to 0 digits (decimal places), i.e. to the nearest whole number.

If we provide the arguments in the exact same order as they are defined we don’t have to name them.

round(average_tumour_size, 2)
[1] 2.94

It’s good practice to put the non-optional arguments, like the number we’re rounding in this case, first in the function call, in the order they’re expected (in which case you don’t need to name them), and then use names for all the optional arguments you’re specifying. It will make it much easier for someone reading your code and is less error-prone, particularly when using functions with many arguments.

Many functions take vector arguments. Some are vectorized and carry out the same operation on all the elements of the vector, e.g.

[1] 1.509606 1.456366 1.469675 1.409933 1.488692

Others compute a summary value from the given vector. For example, we can pass our vector of tumour sizes to the mean() function to compute the average value we calculated earlier.

average_tumour_size <- mean(tumour_sizes)
[1] 29.386


Try computing some other summary statistics on the vector of tumour sizes using the functions, sd(), var(), median(), IQR(), min() and max().

Look up the Help page for these functions. Try running some of the example code snippets given in the Examples section in the help page.

We can nest function calls, one within another,

average_tumour_size <- round(mean(tumour_sizes), digits = 1)
[1] 29.4

but this can make for code that is difficult to read. Usually it is better to keep things simple even if you end up with code that is more verbose.

average_tumour_size <- mean(tumour_sizes)
average_tumour_size <- round(average_tumour_size, digits = 1)
[1] 29.4

Extracting subsets from vectors

One of the operations we do frequently is to select subsets of our data that are of particular interest.

To select one or more values from a vector we need to provide the index or indices within square brackets.

[1] 29.49
tumour_sizes[c(1, 4, 5)]
[1] 32.33 25.70 30.81

It is also quite common to extract a range of values using the : operator. The : operator creates a sequence of integer numbers.

[1] 2 3 4
[1] 28.60 29.49 25.70

Conditional subsetting

Another way of subsetting a vector is to use a logical vector.

selected <- c(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE)
[1] 32.33 25.70 30.81

You may be thinking that this seems very abstract and questioning why it would ever be useful. But actually, it is probably the most commonly used way of selecting values of interest from a vector.

Recall how we used the > operator to create a logical vector corresponding to those tumours with a size greater than 30mm. We can use that to extract the sizes of those tumours.

tumours_larger_than_30mm <- tumour_sizes > 30
[1] 32.33 30.81

In practice, we wouldn’t really create a variable containing our logical vector signifying which values are of interest. Instead we’d do this in a single step.

tumour_sizes[tumour_sizes > 30]
[1] 32.33 30.81

Other logical operators include == (equal to), != (not equal to), < (less than), <= (less than or equal to) and >= (greater than or equal to).

We can combine logical operations using & and | operators which are the R versions of the AND and OR operations in Boolean algebra but which are applied to vectors.

For example, we could obtain the sizes of tumours that are between 27.5mm and 30mm.

tumours_of_interest <- tumour_sizes >= 27.5 & tumour_sizes <= 30
[1] 28.60 29.49

Or in a single command:

tumour_sizes[tumour_sizes >= 27.5 & tumour_sizes <= 30]
[1] 28.60 29.49

Modifying vectors

We can add new values to a vector using the c() function.

tumour_sizes <- c(tumour_sizes, 31.92, 24.11)
[1] 32.33 28.60 29.49 25.70 30.81 31.92 24.11

We can also combine two or more vectors in the same way.

more_tumour_sizes <- c(26.34, 29.93)
tumour_sizes <- c(tumour_sizes, more_tumour_sizes)
[1] 32.33 28.60 29.49 25.70 30.81 31.92 24.11 26.34 29.93

One of more values in a vector can be changed using the same subsetting operations we used before but this time assigning new values to the subset.

tumour_sizes[3] <- 33.67
[1] 32.33 28.60 33.67 25.70 30.81 31.92 24.11 26.34 29.93
tumour_sizes[c(2, 6, 7)] <- c(29.58, 25.55, 34.51)
tumour_sizes[4:6] <- c(31.83, 25.99, 27.24)

Missing values

Missing values are quite common in scientific data and R has a way of handling these using the special value, NA, which stands for ‘not available’.

The airquality example data set that comes with R contains missing values. This data set is a table of daily air quality measurements taken in New York and includes observations of ozone levels, wind speed and temperature. We’ll extract the ozone measurements from the table (Ozone column) as a vector.

ozone <- airquality$Ozone
  [1]  41  36  12  18  NA  28  23  19   8  NA   7  16  11  14  18  14  34   6
 [19]  30  11   1  11   4  32  NA  NA  NA  23  45 115  37  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA
 [37]  NA  29  NA  71  39  NA  NA  23  NA  NA  21  37  20  12  13  NA  NA  NA
 [55]  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA  NA 135  49  32  NA  64  40  77  97  97  85  NA
 [73]  10  27  NA   7  48  35  61  79  63  16  NA  NA  80 108  20  52  82  50
 [91]  64  59  39   9  16  78  35  66 122  89 110  NA  NA  44  28  65  NA  22
[109]  59  23  31  44  21   9  NA  45 168  73  NA  76 118  84  85  96  78  73
[127]  91  47  32  20  23  21  24  44  21  28   9  13  46  18  13  24  16  13
[145]  23  36   7  14  30  NA  14  18  20

We’ll be looking at tabular data in the next part of the course so don’t worry about the $ operator we used here for now.

Most functions will return NA if the data they work on contain missing values.

[1] NA

The mean() function, and many like it, takes the view that it cannot compute the mean for a set of values where some are unknown. This is quite annoying but these functions usually have an argument named na.rm that can be set to TRUE to remove the NA values before doing the calculation.

mean(ozone, na.rm = TRUE)
[1] 42.12931

The very useful summary() function

One very useful function is summary(). As the name suggests this produces a summary of the values it is given. It is really flexible and can take vectors of different types, tables and other data structures.

   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max.    NA's 
   1.00   18.00   31.50   42.13   63.25  168.00      37 
   Mode   FALSE    TRUE 
logical       3       2 
     Ozone           Solar.R           Wind             Temp      
 Min.   :  1.00   Min.   :  7.0   Min.   : 1.700   Min.   :56.00  
 1st Qu.: 18.00   1st Qu.:115.8   1st Qu.: 7.400   1st Qu.:72.00  
 Median : 31.50   Median :205.0   Median : 9.700   Median :79.00  
 Mean   : 42.13   Mean   :185.9   Mean   : 9.958   Mean   :77.88  
 3rd Qu.: 63.25   3rd Qu.:258.8   3rd Qu.:11.500   3rd Qu.:85.00  
 Max.   :168.00   Max.   :334.0   Max.   :20.700   Max.   :97.00  
 NA's   :37       NA's   :7                                       
     Month            Day      
 Min.   :5.000   Min.   : 1.0  
 1st Qu.:6.000   1st Qu.: 8.0  
 Median :7.000   Median :16.0  
 Mean   :6.993   Mean   :15.8  
 3rd Qu.:8.000   3rd Qu.:23.0  
 Max.   :9.000   Max.   :31.0  

Scripting in R

Up to now, we were mostly typing code in the Console pane at the > prompt. This is a very interactive way of working with R but it is also important to be able to record the commands you’ve typed for when you come back to your analysis later.

Instead we can create a script file containing our R commands; this is the way most R coding is done.

From the RStudio ‘File’ menu, select ‘New File’ and then ‘R Script’.

You should now have a new file in its own tab, named ‘Untitled1’, at the top of the left-hand side of RStudio. The console window no longer occupies the whole of the left-hand side.

We can type code into this file just as we have done at the command prompt in the Console tab pane. Save changes you make using the ‘Save’ option from the ‘File’ menu. There is also a button or you can use a keyboard shortcut. On a Mac this is cmd + S (press the cmd key first and, while keeping this depressed, click the S key); on Windows it is Ctrl + S. RStudio will open a dialog box for you to enter the file name and loation the first time you try to save a new file. It is a good idea to regularly save changes to your script.

Running scripts

Having typed an R command and hit the return key you’ll notice that the command isn’t actually run like it was in the console window. That’s because you’re writing your R code in an editor. To run a single line of code within your script you can press the ‘Run’ button at the top of the script.

This will run the line of code on which the cursor is flashing or the next line of code if the cursor is on a blank or empty line.

The keyboard shortcut is more convenient in practice as you won’t have to stop typing at the keyboard to use your mouse. This is cmd + return on a Mac and Ctrl + enter on Windows.

Running a line in your script will automatically move the cursor onto the next command which can be very convenient as you’ll be able to run successive commands just by repeatedly clicking ‘Run’ or using the keyboard shortcut.

You can also run the entire script by clicking on the ‘Source’ button, a little to the right of the ‘Run’ button. More useful though is to run ‘Source with Echo’ from the Source drop-down menu as this will also display your commands and the outputs from these in the Console window.

Adding comments to your code

Anything that follows a # character within a line of code is ignored by R. This is useful as it allows you to add comments and explanations to your code.

# extract tumour sizes that are greater than 30mm
large_tumour_sizes <- tumour_sizes[tumour_sizes > 30]

Comments usually appear at the beginning of lines but can appear at the end of an R statement.

days <- c(1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16) # didn't manage to get a measurement on day 10

It is also quite common when looking at R code to see lines of code commented out, usually replaced by another line that does something similar or makes a small change.

# random_numbers <- rnorm(100, mean = 0, sd = 1)
random_numbers <- rnorm(100, mean = 0, sd = 0.5)