Introduction and data import

The raw reads, in fastq files, have been aligned using HISAT2. The alignment process produces a set of BAM files, where each file contains the read alignments for each library. The BAM files containing the aligned reads can be found in the bam directory under the CourseMaterials

In the BAM file, there is a chromosomal location for every read that has been aligned. By matching the genomic location of each read to a gene annotation that provided the genomic location of the gene, we can determine if the region the read is aligned to corresponds to the exon of a particular gene and then summarise across the entire BAM file to get total read counts for each gene.

We will use the featureCounts (Liao, Smyth, and Shi 2014) programme from the subRead package to do the counting.

1. Gene annotations in GTF format

In addition to the BAM files, we also need to provide featureCounts with an annotation file. Usually this will be a GTF/GFF file corresponding to the genome assembly used (a description of the GTF format can be found at UCSC website). featureCounts can also use a simpler annotation format called SAF, this is particularly useful for defining custom/novel features that you wish to count against.

GTF/GFF files define genomic regions covered by different types of genomic features, e.g. genes, transcripts, exons, or UTRs. The necessary GTF is already in the directory Course_Materials/references. This reference was downloaded from Ensembl:

Exercise 1

We can view how many of each feature type there are in the GTF by counting the entries in the 3rd column of the GTF:

tail -n +6 references/Mus_musculus.GRCm38.102.gtf | cut -f 3 | sort | uniq -c

N.B. The | symbol is known as the “pipe,” it “pipes” the output of the first command into the next command.

The above commands are:

  • tail -n +6 - start on the 6th line (skipping the first 5 lines which contain the GTF headers)
  • cut -f 3 - extract (cut out) the third column (it assumes the columns are separated by tabs; this can be changed)
  • sort - sort the lines alphabetically
  • uniq -c - collapse consecutive lines that are same and (-c) report how many there were.

Q. How many genes are there in the in the GTF? Is this roughly what you would expect?

2. Running featureCounts

When using a GTF/GFF file we need to tell featureCounts what feature type to use to count reads, and what attribute type to summarise the results at. For RNAseq we most commonly wish to count reads aligning to exons, and then to summarise at the gene level.

Running featureCounts -h gives the full help page. At the top is the generalised usage:

Usage: featureCounts [options] -a <annotation_file> -o <output_file> input_file1 [input_file2] ... 

This means that at minimum we need to specify an annotation file -a, and output file -o and then follow the command with a series of input files.

There are many other options we could specify, including the feature to count over -t and the attribute to summarise to -g.

Exercise 2

Run code below to count reads in the bam file SRR7657883.chr14.sorted.bam against the GTF for the mouse GRCm38 genome assembly.

  mkdir counts

  featureCounts \
      -t exon \
      -g gene_id \
      --primary \
      -p \
      -C \
      -a references/Mus_musculus.GRCm38.102.gtf \
      -o counts/SRR7657883.chr14.featureCounts \
  • -t exon - the feature type to count reads against, in this case exons
  • -g gene_id - the attribute type to summarise counts by, in this case the gene ID
  • --primary - only count primary alignments
  • -p - This specifies that as we have paired reads, we want the counts to be based on the number of fragments (each represented by a pair of reads)
  • -C - indicates that we want to omit Chimeric reads. These are reads where the two ends map to different chromosomes
  • -a - the gene annotation reference file
  • -o - the name for the output files

Q. Check the help page again, did we need to specify -t and -g?

3. The output files

This should have generated two output files. A summary statistics table (SRR7657883.chr14.featureCounts.summary) and a full table of counts (SRR7657883.chr14.featureCounts) for each feature (gene in this case).

To view the summary table:

cat counts/SRR7657883.chr14.featureCounts.summary
Status  bam/SRR7657883.chr14.sorted.bam
Assigned    792742
Unassigned_Unmapped 0
Unassigned_MappingQuality   0
Unassigned_Chimera  6752
Unassigned_FragmentLength   0
Unassigned_Duplicate    0
Unassigned_MultiMapping 0
Unassigned_Secondary    48873
Unassigned_Nonjunction  0
Unassigned_NoFeatures   83829
Unassigned_Overlapping_Length   0
Unassigned_Ambiguity    35617

The summary table reports the numbers of unassigned reads and the reasons why they are not assigned (e.g. ambiguity, multi-mapping, secondary alignment, mapping quality, fragment length, chimera, read duplicate, non-junction and so on), in addition to the number of successfully assigned reads for each library. See subread documentation (‘Program output’ section).

To view the first few lines of the main counts output:

head counts/SRR7657883.chr14.featureCounts
# Program:featureCounts v1.5.3; Command:"featureCounts" "-t" "exon" "-g" "gene_id" "--primary" "-p" "-C" "-a" "references/Mus_musculus.GRCm38.102.gtf" "-o" "counts/SRR7657883.chr14.featureCounts" "bam/SRR7657883.chr14.sorted.bam" 
Geneid  Chr Start   End Strand  Length  bam/SRR7657883.chr14.sorted.bam
ENSMUSG00000102693  1   3073253 3074322 +   1070    0
ENSMUSG00000064842  1   3102016 3102125 +   110 0
ENSMUSG00000051951  1;1;1;1;1;1;1   3205901;3206523;3213439;3213609;3214482;3421702;3670552 3207317;3207317;3215632;3216344;3216968;3421901;3671498 -;-;-;-;-;-;-   6094    0
ENSMUSG00000102851  1   3252757 3253236 +   480 0
ENSMUSG00000103377  1   3365731 3368549 -   2819    0
ENSMUSG00000104017  1   3375556 3377788 -   2233    0
ENSMUSG00000103025  1   3464977 3467285 -   2309    0
ENSMUSG00000089699  1;1 3466587;3513405 3466687;3513553 +;+ 250 0

The full file begins with a line containing the command used to generate the counts. It then has a table of 7 columns:

  1. The gene identifier; this will vary depending on the GTF file used, in our case this is an Ensembl gene id
  2. Chromosome
  3. Start position for each exon in the gene
  4. End position for each exon in the gene
  5. Transcription strand for each exon in the gene
  6. The total length of the gene in nucleotides
  7. The number of reads assigned to the gene.

The genes above all have a count of 0, but the bam was only chromosome 14, so we’ll need to find genes on chromosom 14 to see any counts.

awk '{if ( $2 == 14 ) print $0 }' counts/SRR7657883.chr14.featureCounts | head
ENSMUSG00000114955  14  3000669 3001058 -   390 0
ENSMUSG00000079101  14  3051653 3052499 -   847 5
ENSMUSG00000091289  14  3084899 3085385 -   487 2
ENSMUSG00000090684  14  3149604 3150084 -   481 0
ENSMUSG00000095512  14  3210975 3211821 -   847 1
ENSMUSG00000096217  14  3254679 3255873 -   1195    1
ENSMUSG00000090318  14  3362782 3363262 -   481 0
ENSMUSG00000097382  14  3442185 3442523 -   339 0
ENSMUSG00000090578  14  3479745 3480945 -   1201    0
ENSMUSG00000096905  14  3496367 3497570 -   1204    0

Note that featureCounts outputs a row for every gene in the GTF, even the ones with no reads assigned, and the row order is determined by the order in the GTF. This means that if featureCounts is used on multiple samples with same GTF file, the separate files can be combined easily as the rows always refer to the same gene.

4. Running featureCounts on multiple samples

We can also run featureCounts on multiple BAM files in one command. As explained by the usage in the help page, we can specify multiple input files (bam files in our case) one by one after the command.

If we had many bam files to include it would be very time consuming to type out each file name and would result in a very long and difficult to read command. Instead, there is a quick way to refer to many files at once on the command line using “wild cards.”

Wildcards in file names

Suppose we had a directory called myData containing:


We could refer to all of these files by replacing the part of the file name that changes with an asterix:


The asterix means essentially means ‘replace this with anything.’ So myFile_*.txt will be expanded to a list of all the files that could match.

In the metrics directory we have an RNAseq metrics file for each bam file called


To look at the first line of each RNAseq metrics file in the metrics directory, we can use:

head -n 1 metrics/SRR76578*.RNA_metrics.txt

Exercise 3

  • Run featureCounts on multiple bam files at once. To save time we will use versions of our BAM files that only include reads aligned against the Interleukin 10 receptor, alpha gene (Il10ra; ENSMUSG00000032089) (these bams are used in the Additional Visualisations exercises). You can find these in the small_bams directory.
  • output the results to a new file called counts/ENSMUSG00000032089.featureCounts
  • Specify the input (bam) files using the * wildcard.

Q. What are the read counts for Il10ra for each sample?

5. Library preparation strandedness and featureCounts

Some mRNAseq library preparation protocols return reads on the same genomic strand as the transcript was read from, some return reads on the opposite strand, and others return reads from both strands. When working with data from a stranded protocol, specifying strandness will avoid counting reads that are aligned to the wrong strand - these may be due to overlapping genes or due to sequencing/mapping errors.

featureCounts has a parameter that allows us to perform strand-specific read counting by specifying the “strandness” of the library prep method used. The default is to assume an unstranded protocol.

Exercise 4

  • Rerun featureCounts on bam/SRR7657883.chr14.sorted.bam, but this time specify “reversely stranded.” Use the help to find out which option you need to set to do this: featureCounts -h
  • Output the results to a new file called counts/SRR7657883.chr14.reverse.featureCounts.

Q. Compare the summary of the read count assignments to our intial results where we used the default settings (unstranded). Which type of protocol do you think was used to generate this library?

6. Extracting additional attribute information

featureCounts now includes the option “–extraAttributes” that enables us to extract additional information from the attributes column for each gene and include it in the output counts table.

Exercise 5

Rerun featureCounts on bam/SRR7657883.sorted.bam, but this time also extract the “gene_biotype” from the GTF file and output to a new file called counts/SRR7657883.gene_biotype.featureCounts.

Q. How many of the genes are protein coding? (Hint: To count the bioyptes, see the section above where we counted the feature types in the GTF file)


Liao, Yang, Gordon K. Smyth, and Wei Shi. 2014. “featureCounts: An Efficient General Purpose Program for Assigning Sequence Reads to Genomic Features.” Bioinformatics 30 (7): 923–30.