# load the data 

GO enrichment analysis


GOseq is a method to conduct Gene Ontology (GO) analysis suitable for RNA-seq data as it accounts for the gene length bias in detection of over-representation (Young et al. 2010).

From the GOseq vignette:

  • GOseq first needs to quantify the length bias present in the dataset under consideration.
  • This is done by calculating a Probability Weighting Function or PWF which can be thought of as a function which gives the probability that a gene will be differentially expressed (DE), based on its length alone.
  • The PWF is calculated by fitting a monotonic spline to the binary data series of differential expression (1=DE, 0=Not DE) as a function of gene length.
  • The PWF is used to weight the chance of selecting each gene when forming a null distribution for GO category membership.
  • The fact that the PWF is calculated directly from the dataset under consideration makes this approach robust, only correcting for the length bias present in the data.
supportedOrganisms() %>% filter(str_detect(Genome, "mm"))
## # A tibble: 10 x 5
##    Genome Id        `Id Description` `Lengths in geneLeneD… `GO Annotation Avai…
##    <chr>  <chr>     <chr>            <lgl>                  <lgl>               
##  1 mm10   ""        ""               FALSE                  TRUE                
##  2 mm7    "knownGe… "Entrez Gene ID" TRUE                   TRUE                
##  3 mm7    "ensGene" "Ensembl gene I… TRUE                   TRUE                
##  4 mm7    "geneSym… "Gene Symbol"    TRUE                   TRUE                
##  5 mm8    "knownGe… "Entrez Gene ID" TRUE                   TRUE                
##  6 mm8    "ensGene" "Ensembl gene I… TRUE                   TRUE                
##  7 mm8    "geneSym… "Gene Symbol"    TRUE                   TRUE                
##  8 mm9    "knownGe… "Entrez Gene ID" TRUE                   TRUE                
##  9 mm9    "ensGene" "Ensembl gene I… TRUE                   TRUE                
## 10 mm9    "geneSym… "Gene Symbol"    TRUE                   TRUE

Create a list of differentially expressed genes

The input for goseq is a vector that indicates, for each gene, whether or not it is significantly differentially expressed. This should be a named vector, where the names are the gene ids and the values are 1 if the gene is significant and 0 if it is not.

In this case we can use the Ensembl gene IDs.

sigData <- as.integer(!$FDR) & shrinkLvV$FDR < 0.01)
names(sigData) <- shrinkLvV$GeneID

Fit the Probability Weighting Function (PWF)

pwf <- nullp(sigData, "mm10", "ensGene", = shrinkLvV$medianTxLength)
## Warning in pcls(G): initial point very close to some inequality constraints

Conduct GO enrichment analysis

goResults <- goseq(pwf, "mm10","ensGene", test.cats=c("GO:BP"))

Plot the top 10

goResults %>% 
    top_n(10, wt=-over_represented_pvalue) %>% 
    mutate(hitsPerc=numDEInCat*100/numInCat) %>% 
               size=numDEInCat)) +
        geom_point() +
        expand_limits(x=0) +
        labs(x="Hits (%)", y="GO term", colour="p value", size="Count")

Get the GO information for the GO accessions

## GOID: GO:0044281
## Term: small molecule metabolic process
## Ontology: BP
## Definition: The chemical reactions and pathways involving small
##     molecules, any low molecular weight, monomeric, non-encoded
##     molecule.
## Synonym: small molecule metabolism

Challenge 2

  1. Create a vector showing genes that are statistically significant at FDR < 0.01 and that are up-regulated by at least 4x (logFC>2) in lactating mice
  2. Run a goseq analysis on this gene list
  3. Plot the results
  4. How is this result different to the previous GO analysis?

Young, Matthew D, Matthew J Wakefield, Gordon K Smyth, and Alicia Oshlack. 2010. “Gene Ontology Analysis for Rna-Seq: Accounting for Selection Bias.” Genome Biology 11: R14.