
Analysing an RNAseq experiment begins with sequencing reads. These are aligned to a reference genome, then the number of reads mapped to each gene can be counted. This results in a table of counts, which is what we perform statistical analyses on in R. This tutorial explains how to download the raw data files from the NCBI Sequence Read Archive public repository, how to QC the reads with FASTQC and finally how to align the reads to the reference genome.

Mouse mammary gland dataset

The data for this course comes from a Nature Cell Biology paper, EGF-mediated induction of Mcl-1 at the switch to lactation is essential for alveolar cell survival (Fu et al. 2015). Both the raw data (sequence reads) can be downloaded from SRA under SRP045534 and processed data (counts) can be downloaded from Gene Expression Omnibus database (GEO) under accession number GSE60450.

Download raw data from SRA

Raw reads from sequencing experiments tend to be distributed through the Sequence Read Archive SRA). SRA provide command line tools for downloading and processing the archive files as the SRA toolkit.

Alternatively the (SRAdb)[] Bioconductor package can be used to query and download files that are hosted in SRA from within R.

We will download the data using the SRA toolkit in the Terminal.

download the SRA toolkit

You will need to select the correct version from the website above for your operating system, in this case we are on a CentOS Linux machine.

# download the gzip file
# unzip the file
tar -xzvf sratoolkit.2.9.1-1-centos_linux64.tar.gz
# add the 'bin' directory to the PATH - note the you will need to do this
# everytime you start a new terminal and wish to use the toolkit
export PATH=$PWD/sratoolkit.2.9.1-1-centos_linux64/bin/:${PATH}
# create a directory to which to download the sra files
mkdir sraDir
# use the vdb-config tool to set the download directory
vdb-config -i # this pops up an interactive window instructions below

Use the vdb-config window to set the Default Import Path to the new sra directory we just created. Use tab to navigate to Change under the Set Default Import Path (the highlighting indicates the active field the arrow keys and tab to navigate to the correct directory. When you have changed the directory Save and Exit

Download the set of sra files

We can now directly download each sra file. The sra file is SRA’s own archive format, but we can extract the raw reads in the more common .fastq format in the next step.

To download the sra file we need their accessions numbers. Go to the SRA Run Selector and enter the project number SRP045534. This will give us the 8 SRR run numbers that we need to download.

Use the prefetch tool from the sra toolkit to download each file. This will take

prefetch SRR1552444
prefetch SRR1552445
prefetch SRR1552446
prefetch SRR1552447
prefetch SRR1552448
prefetch SRR1552449
prefetch SRR1552450
prefetch SRR1552451
prefetch SRR1552452
prefetch SRR1552453
prefetch SRR1552454
prefetch SRR1552455

Extracting fastq files

Using the SRA Toolkit command-line utility from NCBI we can generate the fastq files from these archive files. We can do this within a Terminal (i.e. not within RStudio) with the following, making sure your working directory contains the .sra files.

mkdir fastq
for sraFile in sraDir/sra/*.sra; do
 echo "Extracting fastq from "${sraFile}
 fastq-dump \
    --origfmt \
    --gzip \
    --outdir fastq \

After each fastq file has been extracted, you should see a message to report have many reads (spots) are contained in the file. Note that this process may take several hours.

Quality assessment of reads

The FastQC tool from the Brabraham Institute is recommended for a preliminary assessment of the read quality. However, caution should be exercised when interpreting the results as the reports are not specifically-tailored for RNA-seq. Some sections are know to flag-up warning or error messages for perfectly fine RNA-seq experiments.

Install FastQC

You can download the software and view detailed installation instructions here.

# Download the tool - note that you may need to change the version number
# unzip
# make the tool executable
chmod +x FastQC/fastqc
# add FastQC to the Path
export PATH=$PWD/FastQC:${PATH}

Run FastQC

# make directory to output the results to
mkdir fastqc
# run fastqc
fastqc -o fastqc fastq/*fastq.gz

You can speed this process up either by running each sample in parallel on a computing cluster and/or using the -t option to use multiple cores.

Downloading the reference data

To align to the GRCm38 genome, we will first download the reference genome from Ensembl. We will also need a gene definition file (GTF/GFF file); HISAT2 will incorporate this information into the index we will need to create for the reference genome.

# create a reference directory
mkdir -p referenceData/fasta
cd referenceData/fasta
# download the fasta file
gunzip Mus_musculus.GRCm38.dna_sm.primary_assembly.fa.gz 

# Download the GTF file
cd ..
mkdir annotations
cd annotations
gunzip Mus_musculus.GRCm38.80.gtf.gz 

# return to project directory
cd ../../

Alignment using HISAT2

HISAT2 is a fast, splice-aware aligner, specifically designed for RNAseq data. We will first need to install the software and then use it to index our reference genome before we can align our reads.

HISAT2 is fast and requires relatively low amounts of memory for the alignment, however the alignment will run much faster if you have access to a muli-core processor - 6-8 cores is ideal.

The indexing process on the other hand is slow and requires a lot of memory, - on our high performance cluster we had to give it >200G of memory for the human GRCh38 reference. This is how HISAT2 can be fast in the alignment - it does a lot of work once, making a very detailed index, which means it can align read more quickly and with less memory usage later.

Download and Install HISAT2

mkdir hisat2
export PATH=$PWD/hisat2-2.1.0:${PATH}

Note that this method uses a pre-compiled binary, however, you may wish to build the package from source for your particular system, please see the manual for instructions on building from source.

Index the reference genome

Indexing the genome allows HISAT2 to more rapidly carry out the read alignment. Before indexing the genome we first need to extract information about splice sites and exons from the GTF file that we downloaded. HISAT2 will create a number of index files, we will provide a ‘base name’ for these files to which HISAT2 will add various suffixes. -v \
    referenceData/annotations/Mus_musculus.GRCm38.80.gtf \
    > referenceData/hisat2_index/splice_sites.txt -v \
    referenceData/annotations/Mus_musculus.GRCm38.80.gtf \
    > referenceData/hisat2_index/exons.txt

hisat2-build referenceData/fasta/Mus_musculus.GRCm38.dna_sm.primary_assembly.fa \
    --ss referenceData/hisat2_index/splice_sites.txt \
    --exon referenceData/hisat2_index/exons.txt \

Note that the final indexing step can take more than an hour to run, if your computer has multiple processors/cores, use -p to speed up the indexing by using multiple processors.

Download and install samtools

We will also need samtools to process the files produced by HISAT2. The SAM file format is a standard for storing aligned sequenced; you can find a detailed description of the contents of the file here. The associated BAM file format is compressed version of SAM. Samtools provides a number of different utilities for viewing, indexing and analysing SAM and BAM format files.

Samtools is distributed as source code and needs to be built.

# download samtools - note you may need to change the verion number (1.8)
# build and install
cd samtools-1.8
./configure --prefix=$PWD/../samtools # this is where to install
make install
cd ../
rm -rf samtools-1.8 # remove source code directory
# add samtools to the PATH
export PATH=$PWD/samtools/bin:${PATH}

Align the raw reads

We will now align the raw reads (fastq format) using HISAT2 this will generate aligned read files in SAM format. We will then use samtools to compress the file to BAM format and to index the resulting bam file.

Alignment takes a long time. In practice, we would run the alignment of each sample in parallel using a high-performance cluster, however, for illustration purposes, we give the script that will align each sample individually.

Note that this process will also be greatly speeded up by using multiple processors, here were use only one. Again, use the option -p to have HISAT2 use multiple processors.

hisat2 -x ${hisat2Ref} \
       -U fastq/SRR1552444.fastq.gz |
       samtools view -bh - |
       samtools sort - > bam/SRR1552444.bam
samtools index SRR1552444.bam

hisat2 -x ${hisat2Ref} \
       -U fastq/SRR1552445.fastq.gz |
       samtools view -bh - |
       samtools sort - > bam/SRR1552445.bam
samtools index SRR1552445.bam

hisat2 -x ${hisat2Ref} \
       -U fastq/SRR1552446.fastq.gz |
       samtools view -bh - |
       samtools sort - > bam/SRR1552446.bam
samtools index SRR1552446.bam

hisat2 -x ${hisat2Ref} \
       -U fastq/SRR1552447.fastq.gz |
       samtools view -bh - |
       samtools sort - > bam/SRR1552447.bam
samtools index SRR1552447.bam

hisat2 -x ${hisat2Ref} \
       -U fastq/SRR1552448.fastq.gz |
       samtools view -bh - |
       samtools sort - > bam/SRR1552448.bam
samtools index SRR1552448.bam

hisat2 -x ${hisat2Ref} \
       -U fastq/SRR1552449.fastq.gz |
       samtools view -bh - |
       samtools sort - > bam/SRR1552449.bam
samtools index SRR1552449.bam

hisat2 -x ${hisat2Ref} \
       -U fastq/SRR1552450.fastq.gz |
       samtools view -bh - |
       samtools sort - > bam/SRR1552450.bam
samtools index SRR1552450.bam

hisat2 -x ${hisat2Ref} \
       -U fastq/SRR1552451.fastq.gz |
       samtools view -bh - |
       samtools sort - > bam/SRR1552451.bam
samtools index SRR1552451.bam

hisat2 -x ${hisat2Ref} \
       -U fastq/SRR1552452.fastq.gz |
       samtools view -bh - |
       samtools sort - > bam/SRR1552452.bam
samtools index SRR1552452.bam

hisat2 -x ${hisat2Ref} \
       -U fastq/SRR1552453.fastq.gz |
       samtools view -bh - |
       samtools sort - > bam/SRR1552453.bam
samtools index SRR1552453.bam

hisat2 -x ${hisat2Ref} \
       -U fastq/SRR1552454.fastq.gz |
       samtools view -bh - |
       samtools sort - > bam/SRR1552454.bam
samtools index SRR1552454.bam

hisat2 -x ${hisat2Ref} \
       -U fastq/SRR1552455.fastq.gz |
       samtools view -bh - |
       samtools sort - > bam/SRR1552455.bam
samtools index SRR1552455.bam

Renaming to be consistent with GEO

The files we have just created are named according to their SRA identifier. However, these names are not very useful for analysis. The Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) entry for the dataset has the mapping information between SRA and sample identifiers.

tmp <- getGEO("GSE60450")
gseInf <- pData(tmp[[1]])

We obtain a new name for each bam file by joining the metadata from SRA and GEO.

sraInf <- mutate(sraInf, bam=paste0(run, ".sorted.bam"))

gseInf <- mutate(gseInf, experiment = basename(as.character(supplementary_file_2)),
                 newbam = gsub("Sample name: ","", description),
                 newbam = gsub("-",".",newbam,fixed=TRUE),
                 newbam = paste0(newbam, ".bam"))
combinedInf <- left_join(gseInf, sraInf, by="experiment")
combinedInf %>% select(description,description.1,experiment,bam,newbam)

The base R function file.symblink can be used to create symbolic links from one file to another; thus retaining the original file name and avoid creating a complete copy of each file. Such links are often used when we don’t want to create copies of files that are potentially rather large. With this approach, when we want to access MCL1.LA.bam (for example), the file system will know to actually access SRR1552444.sorted.bam.

for(i in seq_along(combinedInf$bam)){
  file.symlink(combinedInf$bam[i], combinedInf$newbam[i])
  file.symlink(paste0(combinedInf$bam[i],".bai"), paste0(combinedInf$newbam[i],".bai"))

Fu, Nai Yang, Anne C Rios, Bhupinder Pal, Rina Soetanto, Aaron T L Lun, Kevin Liu, Tamara Beck, et al. 2015. “EGF-mediated induction of Mcl-1 at the switch to lactation is essential for alveolar cell survival.” Nature Cell Biology 17 (4): 365–75. doi:10.1038/ncb3117.