Who’s who
Huge thanks too to Kelly O’Reilly (CRUK) for admin support, and Gabriella, Paul and Cathy for support in Genetics
Who are you?

- Course runs 09:30 ~ 17:00 each day (Friday is a half-day)
- Room open from 09:00 each day
- Lunch provided 12:30 - 13:30 each day
- different room on the same campus, we’ll take you there
- No fixed coffee and tea breaks
- but you’ll probably have noticed the coffee machine at the back
- Please refrain from using the coffee machine when someone is lecturing
- you’ll discover why when you use the machine!
- Workshop dinner on Thursday night at Downing College
- We assume you’re coming unless you’ve told us otherwise
- Please let us know a.s.a.p if you won’t be coming!
About the Course - “Functional Genomics”
- You will (probably) not come away being an expert
- We cannot teach you everything about NGS data
- plus, it is a fast-moving field
- will cover a selection of tools / methods
- However, we hope that you will
- Understand how your data are processed
- Be able to explore your data - no programming required
- Understand the issues and compromises involved in current methods
- Communicate more effectively with the Bioinformaticians dealing with your data
- Increase confidence with R and Bioconductor
- Know where to get help
- Be able to explore new technologies, methods, tools as they come out
- Meet your colleagues from other CRUK institutes
- Have fun!
- All materials will be online after the course
- tell your colleagues, friends!
Live note-taking and documentation