Introduction to the dataset used in this part of the course
I’ll be using ChIP-seq and RNA-seq datasets to demonstrate how to align ChIP-seq and RNA-seq data to the GRCh38
reference genome. The data-set for this practical is a publicly available dataset downloaded from the NCBI GEO
repository with the accession GSE15780
. [] It’s a study “Crosstalk between c-Jun and TAp73alpha/beta contributes to the apoptosis-survival balance” PMID:21459846 by Koeppel et al. This study explores genome wide binding of transcription factors (TP53
and TP73
splice variants) and gene expression in a human cancer cell line.
alignment of ChIP-seq to GRCh38
referenceSAM Tools
alignmnet of ChIP-seq to GRCh38
alignment of RNA-seq dataWe downloaded the dataset (fastq files
) from the Sequence Read Archive using the SRA-toolkit
. There are multiple ways of doing this.
Browse the SRA dababase and download the data.
Use SRA toolkit. You need to install and configure this on your computer first. Detailed instructions are here.
Use the Bioconductor package SRAdb to search and download the sra or fastq files.
The files you need are in /home/participant/Course_Materials/Introduction/SS_DB/Raw_Data/. These are Large files, so do not run this bit of R code below! It’s there just to show you how to download the files from the Sequence Read Archive.
print("Don't run me!!")
#setup SRAdb
# This will download a very large (~30 Gb) file!
sqlfile <- 'SRAmetadb.sqlite'
if(!file.exists('SRAmetadb.sqlite')) sqlfile <<- getSRAdbFile()
#establish a connection to the database
sra_con <- dbConnect(SQLite(),sqlfile)
# get SRR runs
# You need to give it the Experiment ID (SRX) of the dataset you would like to download
rs = listSRAfile(c("SRX016980"), sra_con, fileType = 'sra' )
# download the SRR file
getSRAfile(c("SRR036615"), sra_con, fileType='sra')
# convert to fastq using SRA Toolkit (you needs to install the SRA-toolkit on your computer)
system ("fastq-dump SRR036615.lite.sra")
# or get the fastq file directly from EBI using ftp
getFASTQinfo(c("SRR036615"), sra_con, srcType = 'ftp' )
getSRAfile(c("SRR036615"), sra_con, fileType = 'fastq' )
Reference genomes can be downloaded from UCSC, Ensembl or NCBI genome resources. Here’s the UCSC genome browser url for the human reference GRCh38:
Download instructions are on that page.
Whole genomic alignments can be time consuming and not realistic to do in the short time we have. Therefore, we downloaded and preprocessed a single chromosome (chr3)from the above dataset to save time. The preprocessing step included aligning to a GRCh38 genome with a sponge-database (which removes artefacts and non-chromosomal sequences) and then regenerating the chr3 fastq file. Because we’ve done this for you there is no need for you to use a sponge database again when you do the tutorial below.
# Using BWA to align a fastq ChIP-seq sample to the GRCh38 reference genome
cd /home/participant/Course_Materials/Introduction/SS_DB/Alignment/BWA
create a BWA hg38chr3 index. We will use the bwa index command.
-p option give the index name (you can call this whatever you want, we named it hg38chr3bwaidx) -a option chooses one of the alignment algorithm within bwa
Normally you would use a complete genome build fasta (hg38.fa) file to build a bwa index. In this case we’re using chromosome3 hg38_chr3.fa (again to save time).
bwa index -p hg38chr3bwaidx \
-a bwtsw /home/participant/Course_Materials/Introduction/SS_DB/Reference/BWA/hg38_chr3.fa
Align to hg38 and generate the single end alignment SAM file
# uses mem algorithm, -M This option leaves the best (longest) alignment for a read as is
# but marks additional alignments for the read as secondary
# -t = number of processor cores
bwa mem -M -t 4 hg38chr3bwaidx \
/home/participant/Course_Materials/Introduction/SS_DB/RawData/ChIPseq/tp53_r2.fastq.gz \
> tp53_r2.fastq.sam
Generate BAM file. This example shows how to use the Samtools program.
# look at the first 10 lines of your SAM file
head tp53_r2.fastq.sam
#convert to BAM
samtools view -bT ~/Course_Materials/Introduction/SS_DB/Reference/BWA/hg38_chr3.fa tp53_r2.fastq.sam > tp53_r2.fastq.bam
Sort BAM file
samtools sort -T sorted tp53_r2.fastq.bam -o tp53_r2.fastq_sorted.bam
Generate BAM index
samtools index tp53_r2.fastq_sorted.bam tp53_r2.fastq_sorted.bai
Convert BAM to SAM
samtools view -h tp53_r2.fastq_sorted.bam > tp53_r2.fastq_sorted_anotherCopy.sam
Filter unmapped reads in BAM
samtools view -h -F 4 tp53_r2.fastq_sorted.bam > tp53_r2.fastq_sorted_onlymapped.bam
If you need help decoding SAM flags
If we want all reads mapping within the genomic coordinates chr3:200000-500000
samtools view tp53_r2.fastq_sorted.bam chr3:200000-500000 >tp53_r2.fastq_sorted_200-500k.bam
Simple statistics using SAM Tools flagstat
#index the bam file first
samtools flagstat tp53_r2.fastq_sorted.bam
Create a fastq
file from a BAM
samtools bam2fq tp53_r2.fastq_sorted.bam > tp53_r2.new_allreads.fastq
How to do this using bedtools
bedtools bamtofastq -i input.bam -fq output.fastq
#paired-end reads:
samtools sort -n input.bam -o input_sorted.bam # sort by read name (-n)
bedtools bamtofastq -i input_sorted.bam -fq output_r1.fastq -fq2 output_r2.fastq
Run SAMStat
to asses BAM QC
samstat tp53_r2.fastq_sorted.bam
Generate a tdf (tile data format) file for viewing in IGV
igvtools count -z 5 -w 25 -e 250 \
tp53_r2.fastq_sorted.bam tp53_r2.fastq_sorted.tdf hg38
cd /home/participant/Course_Materials/Introduction/SS_DB/Alignment/Bowtie
To get a list of options
bowtie2 -h
First step is to build a database (index)
`bowtie2-build -f genome.fa dbname`
bowtie2-build -f /home/participant/Course_Materials/Introduction/SS_DB/Reference/Bowtie/hg38_chr3.fa \
Align to chr3
bowtie2 -x hg38_chr3 \
-U /home/participant/Course_Materials/Introduction/SS_DB/RawData/ChIPseq/tp53_r2.fastq.gz \
-S tp53_r2.sam
samtools view -Sb tp53_r2.sam > tp53_r2.bam
samtools sort tp53_r2.bam > tp53_r2_sorted.bam
samtools index tp53_r2_sorted.bam
Generate genome indices:
cd /home/participant/Course_Materials/Introduction/SS_DB/Alignment/STAR
STAR --runThreadN 4 --runMode genomeGenerate \
--genomeDir /home/participant/Course_Materials/Introduction/SS_DB/Reference/STAR/ \
--genomeFastaFiles /home/participant/Course_Materials/Introduction/SS_DB/Reference/STAR/hg38_chr3.fa
Download an annotation GTF file and unzip it
# if your reference genome is from Ensembl get GTF file from Ensembl else get from UCSC table
# browser
#chmod 755 Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.90.gtf.gz
#gunzip Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.90.gtf.gz
#Get gtf from ucsc table browser and name it hg38.gtf
# Instructor will demonstrate this
STAR --runThreadN 4 --genomeDir \
/home/participant/Course_Materials/Introduction/SS_DB/Reference/STAR/ \
--readFilesIn \
/home/participant/Course_Materials/Introduction/SS_DB/RawData/RNAseq/tp53_rep1_trimmed.fastq.gz \
--readFilesCommand zcat --outFileNamePrefix RNA --outSAMtype BAM SortedByCoordinate \
--sjdbGTFfile /home/participant/Course_Materials/Introduction/SS_DB/Alignment/STAR/hg38.gtf \
--sjdbOverhang 100 --twopassMode Basic --outWigType bedGraph --outWigStrand Stranded
While STAR is running, the status messages will be appearing on the screen and the progress of the mapping job can be checked in the Log.progress.out
This should give you basic skills for doing next generation sequence alignment, and this is also the end of this practical!