Data Analysis and Visualisation in R - Bite-size edition



It has been said that 80% of data analysis is spent on the process of cleaning and preparing the data. In this course we introduce a suite or R packages collectively known as the tidyverse; this includes the packages tidyr, dplyr, ggplot2 and stringr. In combination these provide a powerful toolkit to make the process of manipulating and visualising data easy and intuitive.

This material is normally taught in an intensive 1 day course, however, in this series it is presented as six 1.5 hour sessions (with homework!).
This format will enable you to:

Course Prerequisites


After this course you should be able to:


During this course you will learn about:


Matt Eldridge (CRUK-CI Bioinformatics Core).
Ashley Sawle (CRUK-CI Bioinformatics Core).

Course outline

Session Topic
One Course Introduction
  Visualization with ggplot2 (pt1) - Grammar of Graphics, basic plots
Two Visualization with ggplot2 (pt2) - Facetting
  Introduction & Tidying and transforming data (pt1) - Tidy Data: tidyr intro and dplyr select
Three Tidying and transforming data (pt2) - Cleaning Data: stringr and dplyr mutate
Four Workflows - piping and dplyr arrange, filter
Five Summarizing, grouping and combining data (minimal live coding script)
Six Customizing plots
Seven Functions and loops..

Homework Exercises

Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

Session 4

Session 5

Session 6