Nov 2021

Single Cell RNAseq Analysis Workflow

Identifying Cluster Marker Genes

Our goal is to identify genes that are differently expressed between clusters

  • exclusively expressed in a single cluster or not

  • different methods that test for:

    • differences in the mean expression level

    • differences in the rank of expression

    • differences in the proportion of cells expressing the gene

  • compile a summary table

Differential expression

  • Differential expression is comparative. Common comparisons include:

  • pairwise cluster comparisons

    • eg. cluster 1 vs cluster2, cluster 1 vs cluster 3, cluster 2 vs cluster 3, etc…
  • for a given cluster find ‘marker genes’ that are:

    • DE compared to at least one other cluster
    • DE compared to each of the other clusters
    • DE compared to “most” of the other clusters
    • DE and up-regulated (easier to interpret)
  • cell-type comparisons (if cell type is known) - with and without clustering


  groups = sce$louvain,       # clusters to compare
  block = sce$SampleGroup,    # covariates in statistical model
  test.type = "t",            # t-test (default)
  direction = "any",          # test for either higher or lower expression (default)
  lfc = 0,                    # null hypothesis log-fold-change = 0 (default)
  pval.type = "any"           # ranking of p-values based on any comparison (default)


  groups = sce$louvain,       # clusters to compare
  block = sce$SampleGroup,    # covariates in statistical model
  test.type = "t",            # t-test (default)
  direction = "any",          # test for either higher or lower expression (default)
  lfc = 0,                    # null hypothesis log-fold-change = 0 (default)
  pval.type = "any"           # ranking of p-values based on any comparison (default)

Gene-wise null hypothesis

  • t-test: “Is the mean expression of a gene in cluster 1 and cluster 2 the same?”

  • Wilcoxon rank-sum test: “It is equally likely that a randomly selected cell from cluster 1 has higher or lower expression of a gene than a randomly selected cell from cluster 2?”

  • Binomial test: “Is the probability of a gene being expressed the same in cluster 1 and cluster 2?”

Statistical challenges

To an extent, all these models poorly capture the underlying features of the data.

  • high noise levels (technical and biological factors)

  • small library sizes

  • small amounts of available mRNAs result in amplification biases and dropout events

  • 3’ bias, partial coverage, uneven depth of transcripts

  • stochastic nature of transcription

  • multimodality in gene expression (presence of multiple possible cell states within a cell population)

Performance of different tests


  • t-test and Wilcoxon rank-sum test work well in practice, given at least few dozens cells to compare

  • Bulk RNA-seq analysis methods do not generally perform worse than those specifically developed for scRNA-seq

  • Filtering out lowly expressed genes in quite important for good performance of bulk methods (edgeR, DEseq2)

(source: Soneson & Robinson 2018)

So, what’s really important?

  • understand what are we trying to compare with the different tests (difference in mean expression, difference in probability of being expressed, probability of being highly/lowly expressed)

  • It’s important to understand the underlying data

  • It’s important to assess and validate the results

    • Strictly speaking, identifying genes differentially expressed between clusters is statistically flawed, since the clusters were themselves defined based on the gene expression data itself. Validation is crucial as a follow-up from these analyses.

Things to think about: during analysis

  • Do not use batch-integrated expression data for differential analysis

    • Instead, include batch in the statistical model (the findMarkers() function has the block argument to achieve this)
  • Depending on the method you choose use: counts, normalised counts or log-normalized counts.

  • Normalization strategy has a big influence on the results in differential expression.

    • e.g comparing cell types with few expressed genes vs a cell type with many genes.

Things to think about: after analysis

  • A lot of what you get might be noise. Take two random set of cells and run DE and you probably with have a few significant genes with most of the commonly used tests.

  • Think of the results as hypotheses that need independent verification (e.g. microscopy, qPCR)