February 2022

Single Cell RNAseq Analysis Workflow

10x library file structure

The 10x library contains four pieces of information, in the form of DNA sequences, for each “read”.

  • sample index - identifies the library, with one or two indexes per sample
  • 10x barcode - identifies the droplet in the library
  • UMI - identifies the transcript molecule within a cell and gene
  • insert - the transcript molecule

Raw fastq files

The sequences for any given fragment will generally be delivered in 3 or 4 files:

  • I1: I7 sample index
  • I2: I5 sample index if present (dual indexing only)
  • R1: 10x barcode + UMI
  • R2: insert sequence

QC of Raw Reads - FASTQC

QC of Raw Reads - MultiQC - General Statistics

QC of Raw Reads - MultiQC - Sequence Quality Histograms

Alignment and counting

The first steps in the analysis of single cell RNAseq data:

  • Align reads to genome
  • Annotate reads with feature (gene)
  • Quantify gene expression

Cell Ranger

  • 10x Cell Ranger - This not only carries out the alignment and feature counting, but will also:
    • Call cells
    • Generate a summary report in html format
    • Generate a “cloupe” file

Alternative methods include:

  • STAR solo:
    • Generates outputs very similar to CellRanger minus the cloupe file and the QC report
    • Will run with lower memory requirements in a shorter time than Cell Ranger
  • Alevin:
    • Based on the popular Salmon tool for bulk RNAseq feature counting
    • Alevin supports both 10x-Chromium and Drop-seq derived data

Obtaining Cell Ranger

Cell Ranger tools

Cell Ranger includes a number of different tools for analysing scRNAseq data, including:

  • cellranger mkref - for making custom references
  • cellranger count - for aligning reads and generating a count matrix
  • cellranger aggr - for combining multiple samples and normalising the counts

Preparing the raw fastq files

Cell Ranger requires the fastq file names to follow a convention:


e.g. for a single sample in the Caron data set we have:


Genome/Transcriptome Reference

As with other aligners Cell Ranger requires the information about the genome and transcriptome of interest to be provided in a specific format.

  • Obtain from the 10x website for human or mouse (or both - PDX)
  • Build a custom reference with cellranger mkref

Running cellranger count

  • Computationally very intensive
  • High memory requirements

Cell Ranger outputs

  • One directory per sample

Cell Ranger outputs

Cell Ranger outputs

Cell Ranger report

Cell Ranger outputs

Loupe Browser

Cell Ranger outputs

Cell Ranger outputs

Cell Ranger outputs

Cell Ranger outputs

Cell Ranger cell calling

Single Cell RNAseq Analysis Workflow