Exercise 1

We can view how many of each feature type there are in the GTF by counting the entries in the 3rd column of the GTF:

tail -n +6 references/Mus_musculus.GRCm38.97.gtf | cut -f 3 | sort | uniq -c

N.B. The | symbol is known as the “pipe”, it “pipes” the output of the first command into the next command.

The above commands are:

  • tail -n +6 - start on the 6th line (skipping the first 5 lines which contain the GTF headers)
  • cut -f 3 - extract (cut out) the third column (it assumes the columns are separated by tabs; this can be changed)
  • sort - sort the lines alphabetically
  • uniq -c - collapse consecutive lines that are same and (-c) report how many there were.

Q. How many genes are there in the in the GTF? Is this roughly what you would expect?

tail -n +6 references/Mus_musculus.GRCm38.102.gtf | 
    cut -f 3 | 
    sort | 
    uniq -c

528978 CDS
843712 exon
95453 five_prime_utr
55487 gene
65 Selenocysteine
60104 start_codon
55849 stop_codon
87287 three_prime_utr
142699 transcript

There are 55,487 genes in the GTF. This is much more that the ~20K protein coding genes that we might be expecting. In fact the gtf includes a wide range of genes including those for non-coding RNAs, tRNAs, pseudogenes etc..

Exercise 2

Run code below to count reads in the bam file SRR7657883.chr14.sorted.bam against the GTF for the mouse GRCm38 genome assembly.

  mkdir counts

  featureCounts \
      -t exon \
      -g gene_id \
      --primary \
      -p \
      -C \
      -a references/Mus_musculus.GRCm38.102.gtf \
      -o counts/SRR7657883.chr14.featureCounts \

\(\Rightarrow\) counts/SRR7657883.chr14.featureCounts
\(\Rightarrow\) counts/SRR7657883.chr14.featureCounts.summary

Q. Check the help page again, did we need to specify -t and -g?

If we check the help page using featureCounts -h, we find the entries for these two options:

  -t <string>         Specify feature type(s) in a GTF annotation. If multiple
                      types are provided, they should be separated by ',' with
                      no space in between. 'exon' by default. Rows in the
                      annotation with a matched feature will be extracted and
                      used for read mapping. 

  -g <string>         Specify attribute type in GTF annotation. 'gene_id' by 
                      default. Meta-features used for read counting will be 
                      extracted from annotation using the provided value.

For -t the default is “exon” and for -g the default is gene_id. These are the most commonly used settings, so if we don’t specify them explicitly featureCounts assumes that this is what we want. We can omit them, but you may wish to include them in your scripts for clarity.

Exercise 3

  • Run featureCounts on multiple bam files at once. To save time we will use versions of our BAM files that only include reads aligned against the Interleukin 10 receptor, alpha gene (Il10ra; ENSMUSG00000032089) (these bams are used in the Additional Visualisations exercises). You can find these in the small_bams directory.
  • output the results to a new file called counts/ENSMUSG00000032089.featureCounts
  • Specify the input (bam) files using the * wildcard.

Q. What are the read counts for Il10ra for each sample?

featureCounts \
  -t exon \
  -g gene_id \
  --primary \
  -p \
  -C \
  -a references/Mus_musculus.GRCm38.102.gtf \
  -o counts/ENSMUSG00000032089.featureCounts \

\(\Rightarrow\) counts/ENSMUSG00000032089.featureCounts
\(\Rightarrow\) counts/ENSMUSG00000032089.featureCounts.summary

Q. How many reads does each sample have aligned to Il10ra?

We can use grep to search for the Il10ra gene using its Ensembl gene id.

grep ENSMUSG00000032089 counts/ENSMUSG00000032089.featureCounts

# Program:featureCounts v1.5.3; Command:“featureCounts” “-t” “exon” “-g” “gene_id” “–primary” “-p” “-C” “-a” “references/Mus_musculus.GRCm38.102.gtf” “-o” “counts/ENSMUSG00000032089.featureCounts” “small_bams/SRR7657872.sorted.small.bam” “small_bams/SRR7657874.sorted.small.bam” “small_bams/SRR7657877.sorted.small.bam” “small_bams/SRR7657878.sorted.small.bam” “small_bams/SRR7657883.sorted.small.bam”
ENSMUSG00000032089 9;9;9;9;9;9;9;9;9;9;9;9;9;9;9;9;9;9;9;9 45253837;45253840;45254527;45260353;45260353;45260353;45264325;45264325;45264325;45265489;45265489;45265489;45266455;45266455;45266455;45267100;45267100;45269006;45269006;45269006 45256441;45256441;45256441;45260471;45260471;45260471;45264478;45264478;45264478;45265655;45265655;45265655;45266642;45266642;45266642;45267214;45267220;45269146;45269149;45269149 -;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;-;- 3498 1089 740 201 336 145

We can see the counts for each file in columns 7-11, but we don’t have the column headers. Also, we probably don’t want to output the programme line at the top. We can use the -E flag to switch to using regular expressions to make our search more powerful. If you are not familiar with regular expressions, they are very much worth learning, there is a nice tutorial here. We’ll also do some string replacement with sed to tidy up the sample names.

grep -E "Geneid|^ENSMUSG00000032089"  counts/ENSMUSG00000032089.featureCounts |
    cut -f 1,7-11 |
    sed -e 's/small_bams.//g' -e 's/.sorted.small.bam//g' |
    column -t 
Geneid SRR7657872 SRR7657874 SRR7657877 SRR7657878 SRR7657883
ENSMUSG00000032089 1089 740 201 336 145

Exercise 4

  • Rerun featureCounts on bam/SRR7657883.chr14.sorted.bam, but this time specify “reversely stranded”. Use the help to find out which option you need to set to do this: featureCounts -h
  • Output the results to a new file called counts/SRR7657883.chr14.reverse.featureCounts.

View the help page featureCounts -h:

  -s <int or string>  Perform strand-specific read counting. A single integer
                      value (applied to all input files) or a string of comma-
                      separated values (applied to each corresponding input
                      file) should be provided. Possible values include:
                      0 (unstranded), 1 (stranded) and 2 (reversely stranded).
                      Default value is 0 (ie. unstranded read counting carried
                      out for all input files).

To specify the a reversely stranded protocol we need to add -s 2:

featureCounts \
  -t exon \
  -g gene_id \
  --primary \
  -p \
  -C \
  -s 2 \
  -a references/Mus_musculus.GRCm38.102.gtf \
  -o counts/SRR7657883.chr14.reverse.featureCounts \

\(\Rightarrow\) counts/SRR7657883.chr14.reverse.featureCounts
\(\Rightarrow\) counts/SRR7657883.chr14.reverse.featureCounts.summary

Q. Compare the summary of the read count assignments to our intial results where we used the default settings (unstranded). Which type of protocol do you think was used to generate this library?

If we look in the summaries, we can compare the number of assigned reads and the number of reads unassigned as they are not aligned to a valid feature (exon).

cat counts/SRR7657883.chr14.featureCounts.summary`

Status bam/SRR7657883.chr14.sorted.bam Assigned 792742 … … Unassigned_NoFeatures 83829

cat counts/SRR7657883.chr14.reverse.featureCounts.summary`

Status bam/MCL1.DL.sorted.bam Assigned 425813 … … Unassigned_NoFeatures 480483

From this we can see that requiring the read to be on the opposite strand to the transcript for it to be assigned to an exon causes us to lose about 50% of the counts. From this we can infer that the original protocol was unstranded. In practice, it is better to have this information ahead of time by knowing what protocol was used to generate your data.

Exercise 5

Rerun featureCounts on bam/SRR7657883.sorted.bam, but this time also extract the “gene_biotype” from the GTF file and output to a new file called counts/SRR7657883.gene_biotype.featureCounts.

featureCounts \
  -t exon \
  -g gene_id \
  --primary \
  -p \
  -C \
  --extraAttributes "gene_biotype" \
  -a references/Mus_musculus.GRCm38.102.gtf \
  -o counts/SRR7657883.gene_biotype.featureCounts \

\(\Rightarrow\) counts/SRR7657883.gene_biotype.featureCounts
\(\Rightarrow\) counts/SRR7657883.gene_biotype.featureCounts.summary

The biotype is now in the 7th column:

head -n 3 counts/SRR7657883.gene_biotype.featureCounts | tail -n 2

Geneid Chr Start End Strand Length gene_biotype bam/SRR7657883.chr14.sorted.bam
ENSMUSG00000102693 1 3073253 3074322 + 1070 TEC 0

Q. How many of the genes are protein coding? (Hint: To count the bioyptes, see the section above where we counted the feature types in the GTF file)

To count the biotypes:

tail -n +3 counts/SRR7657883.gene_biotype.featureCounts | 
    cut -f 7| 
    sort |
    uniq -c
 3 3prime_overlapping_ncRNA  

2991 antisense
198 bidirectional_promoter_lncRNA
13 IG_C_gene
… …
… …
21936 protein_coding
… …
… …

From this we can see that we have 21936 protein coding genes, with most of the rest being either non-coding RNAs or pseudogenes.