Soloutions Day 2: 2.1.1 awk '$3=="transcript"' SRR7889582.assemble.gtf | wc -l >5019 awk '$3=="transcript"' SRR7889581.assemble.gtf | wc -l >15378 awk '$3=="transcript"' merged.assemble.gtf | wc -l >23550 2.1.2 awk '$4=="u"' gffcompare.tracking | wc -l >2083 2.1.3 Do grep '"u"' gffcompare.annotated.gtf | head And use the coordinates of some unannotated transcripts to explore them at IGV 2.2.1 awk '$3=="transcript"' gffcompare.annotated.filtered.gtf | wc -l >3497 grep '"u"' gffcompare.annotated.filtered.gtf | wc -l >39 3.1.1 From Whippet's github: "In general, significant nodes should have a higher probability (e.g. >=0.90) suggesting there is likely to be a difference between the samples, and (2) significant nodes should have an absolute magnitude of change (|DeltaPsi| > x) where x is some value you consider to be a biologically relevant magnitude of change (we suggest |DeltaPsi| > 0.1)." 3.1.2 zcat Delta/neuron_vs_glia_new.diff.gz | awk '($8>0.1||$8<0.1) && $9>=0.9' | cut -f 5 | sort | uniq -c 12 AA 21 AD 8 AF 4 AL 107 CE 42 RI 86 TE 69 TS 1 Type Thus, CE (cassette exons) are the most common type of alternative node between these conditions.