Quasi-mapping and gene expression quantification

So far we have QC’d our raw reads, and the next step is to quantify the gene expression. One way would be to map the reads to the genome and use information about where genes are located on the genome to count the number of reads coming from each gene. This method is shown in the extended materials using the featureCounts tool.

An alternative is to use faster methods known as quasi-mapping or pseudo-alignment, followed by inferential estimation of gene expression. This approach has been developed over the past few years and has the advantages of being faster and more lightweight than full alignment (they can be run on a laptop rather than needing a high performance cluster). In addition these methods give more accurate estimates of gene expression at the transcript level and incorporate corrections for GC-content bias and sequence bias. They are also able to quantify multimapping reads in a more pragmatic manner than the standard alignment/counting approaches giving more accurate counts, particularly for genes belonging to families of genes with very similar sequences.

There are various tools that use this approach such at Kallisto, Sailfish and Salmon; we will use Salmon (Patro 2017).

You can find the full manual here:


This provides much more information about various options and the reasons for using them. For most purposes we can simply use the default settings with just a few extras.

1. Indexing the transcriptome for Salmon

Salmon encompasses both alignment and quantification in a single tool. Here we will be aligning directly to the transcriptome rather than the genome. The transcriptome reference is a fasta file containing sequences for all transcripts. Before we can run Salmon we need to create an index, that allows the Salmon to process the sequences more efficiently. For common species is possible to download pre-generated Salmon indexes, however, it is worth knowing how to create your own. This process is more computationally intensive and will not run on standard laptop or desktop.

The details of the index creation are taken from:


As well as including the transcriptome, we also want to include the genomic sequences. These will act as a decoy so that non-transcriptomic reads will not be erroneously counted against transcripts.

The indexing takes too long with the full transcriptome for the purposes of this training session, so we will work with the transcriptome for just genes on mouse Chromosome 14.

The full transcriptome has been downloaded from Ensembl:


Indexing the transcriptome

We are going to be giving Salmon both genomic and transcriptomic sequences to index. First we need to create a single fasta file that contains both sets of sequences. It is important to have the transcriptome sequences first in the file.

The genomic sequences are the decoys and we need a file that lists these so that Salmon will know which are which. In out case we are just using chr14, so we just need to create a file containing this.

Finally, we will need to provide salmon with the name of a directory in which to create the index. We don’t need to make the directory, salmon will do this itself.

Exercise 1 - Create Salmon index

  1. Create concatenated trancriptome/genome reference file
cat references/Mus_musculus.GRCm38.cdna.chr14.fa.gz \
   references/Mus_musculus.GRCm38.dna_sm.chr14.fa.gz \
   > references/gentrome.chr14.fa.gz
  1. Create decoy sequence list from the genomic fasta
echo "14" > references/decoys.txt
  1. Use salmon index to create the index. You will need to provide three pieces of information:
    • the Transcript fasta file - references/gentrome.chr14.fa.gz
    • the decoys - references/decoys.txt
    • the salmon index - a directory to write the index to, use references/salmon_index_chr14

Also add -p 7 to the command to instruct salmon to use 7 threads/cores. To find the flags for the other three pieces of information use:

salmon index --help

One thing to note here is that we have not specified the -k parameter. This parameter sets the kmer size that the index will be based on and relates to the minimum size of kmer used for quasi-mapping. The default is 31 bases, and this is fine for read sizes over 75 bases. If your read size is less that 75, you would need to adjust this. You should set the kmer size to slightly less than half of the read length. Quasi-mapping looks for kmers that are perfect match to the reference sequence. If the kmer size is more than half the read length, then a read with a mismatch in the middle of the read will never be able to be mapped to the transcriptome, even if all other bases are a perfect match for the sequence at the location that it originated.

2. Gene expression quantification

Now that we have an index we can quickly get gene expression estimates directly from our raw fastq files.

We can use the full index here as this step is relatively quick. The full index should already be in the references directory: references/salmon_index. For this exercise we’ll just quantify one sample: SRR7657883. We’ve already run salmon on the complete data set. You can see the results in the salmon directory. We’ll use this for the differential gene expression analysis in later sessions.

We are going to be asking Salmon to output the read alignments as a SAM file as well as the gene expression quantification results. This is optional but we would like this information for some QC. Unfortunately, this does cause Salmon to take longer and running Salmon like this on the full fastq takes about 20 minutes. For the purposes of this practical we will use a smaller fastq file with just 2 million reads - this way we can run Salmon in a reasonable time. The files we will use are called SRR7657883.subset_2M…..

Exercise 2 - Quantify with Salmon

  1. Make directory called salmon_output
  2. Use salmon quant to quantify the gene expression from the raw fastq. To see all the options run salmon quant --help-reads. There are lot of possible parameters, we will need to provide the following:
    • salmon index - references/salmon_index
    • -l A - Salmon needs to use some information about the library preparation, we could explicitly give this, but it is easy enough for Salmon to Automatically infer this from the data.
    • File containing the #1 reads - fastq/SRR7657883.subset_2M.sra_1.fastq.gz
    • File containing the #2 reads - fastq/SRR7657883.subset_2M.sra_2.fastq.gz
    • Output quantification directory - salmon_output/SRR7657883
    • --writeMappings=salmon_output/SRR7657883.salmon.sam - Instructs Salmon to output the read alignments in SAM format to the file salmon_output/SRR7657883.salmon.sam.
    • --gcBias - salmon can optionally correct for GC content bias, it is recommended to always use this
    • The number of threads to use - 7

Salmon creates a separate output directory for each sample analysed. This directory contains a number of files; the file that contains the quantification data is called quant.sf.

3.1 SAM to BAM with samtools

We can transform from SAM to BAM using samtools. samtools is a toolkit that provides a number of useful tools for working with SAM/BAM files. The BAM file format is a binary (not human readable) file and is considerably smaller than the same data stored in SAM format. We will also sort the alignment entries by location (Contig/Chromosome name and the location on the contig), this further improves the compression of the SAM to BAM. We will use the samtools sort function.

The general command is:

samtools sort -O BAM -o my_sample.sorted.bam my_sample.sam

Where the -o option is used to provide the output file name. There are many other options, e.g. reads can be sorted by the read name instead of the position or we can specify the number of parallel threads to be used - to find out more use samtools sort --help.

Exercise 3

  1. Sort and transform your aligned SAM file into a BAM file called SRR7657883.salmon.sorted.bam. Use the option -@ 7 to use 7 cores, this vastly speeds up the compression.
  1. Use, for example, samtools view my_sample.sorted.bam to check your BAM file


Patro, Duggal, R. 2017. “Salmon Provides Fast and Bias-Aware Quantification of Transcript Expression.” Nature Methods 14: 417–19. https://doi.org/10.1038/nmeth.4197.