March 2023

Differential Gene Expression Analysis Workflow

Alignment and Quantification overview

Traditional Alignment

AIM: Given a reference sequence and a set of short reads, align each read to the reference sequence finding the most likely origin of the read sequence.

Alignment - Splicing aware alignment

Aligners: STAR, HISAT2


  • Traditional alignment perform base-by-base alignment
  • It is (relatively) slow and computationally intensive


  • Traditional alignment perform base-by-base alignment
  • Traditional alignment is (relatively) slow and computationally intensive


  • Traditional alignment perform base-by-base alignment
  • Traditional alignment is (relatively) slow and computationally intensive

Switch to quasi-mapping (Salmon) or pseudo-alignment (Kallisto)

Why are Pseudo-alignment methods faster?

  • These tools avoids base-to-base alignment of the reads
  • ~ 20 times faster than the traditional alignment tools like STAR, HISAT2 etc
  • Unlike alignment based methods, pseudo-alignment methods focus on transcriptome (~2% of genome in human)
  • Use exact kmer matching rather than aligning whole reads with mismatches and indels

Quantification tools

  • Broadly classified into two types …
    • Alignment based:
      • Takes bam file as input,therefore reads must be mapped prior to quantification
      • quantifies using simple counting procedure
      • Pros: Intuitive
      • Cons: Slow and can not correct biases in RNAseq data
      • Tools: HTseq, SubRead etc.
    • Alignment-free:
      • Also called quasi-mapping or pseudoalignment
      • Starts from fastq files and base-to-base alignment of the reads is avoided
      • Pros: Very fast and removes biases
      • Cons: Not intuitive
      • Tools: Kallisto, Sailfish, Salmon etc

What is read quantification?

  • Quantification: How many reads have come from a genomic feature?
    • genomic feature can be gene or transcript or exon, but usually gene

If we had mapped our reads to the genome (rather than the transcript sequences), our mapping would look like this:

We also know the locations of exons of genes on the genome, from an annotation file (e.g. GFF or GTF)

So the simplest approach is to count how many reads overlap each gene.

What is read quantification?

However, Salmon does not work this way. We have mapped to the transcript sequences, not the genome. Quantification is performed as part of the quasi-mapping process.

Salmon also takes account of biases:

  • Multimapping: Reads which map equally well to multiple locations

  • GC bias: Higher GC content sequences are less likely to be observed as PCR is not efficient with high GC content sequences.

  • Positional bias: for most sequencing methods, the 3 prime end of transcripts are more likely to be observed.

  • Complexity bias: some sequences are easier to be bound and amplified than others.

  • Sequence-based bias: Bias in read start positions arising from the differential binding efficiency of random hexamer primers

  • Fragment length bias: Induced by size selection

  • Because salmon searches transcription, not genome, it’s not the right tool for finding new genes or isoforms

Salmon workflow

  • Salmon essential steps
    1. Salmon indexing
    2. Quasi-mapping and abundance quantification

Patro et al. (2017) Nature Methods doi:10.1038/nmeth.4197

Salmon: Salmon indexing

  • Two essential steps
    1. Create transcriptome index
    • This makes downstream quasi-mapping and quantification step efficient and faster
    • Once you create an index, you can use it again and again
    • Salmon indexing has two components
      • Creates the reference transcriptome suffix array (SA)
      • Each transcript in the reference transcriptome is mapped to its location in the SA using a hash table
    1. Quasi-mapping and quantification

Salmon: Quasi-mapping

  • The transcriptome (consisting of transcripts \(t1,...,t6\)) is converted into a $ separated string “T”
  • On “T” suffix array, SA[T], and a hash table, h , are constructed (in indexing step).
  • The mapping operation begins with a k-mer (here, k = 3)
  • From left to right, the read is scanned until a k-mer appears in the hash table.
  • All suffixes containing the k-mer are found in the hash table and the SA intervals are retrieved
  • The maximal matching prefix (MMP) is determined by finding the longest read sequence that exactly matches the reference suffix
  • This process is repeated until the end of the read
  • The final mapping is generated by determining the transcripts that appear in all MMPs for the read

Avi Srivastava et al. (2016) Bioinformatics 2016 Jun 15;32(12)

Abundance estimation

  • With the quasi-mapping method, the best mapping is determined for each read
  • After modeling sample-specific parameters and biases, salmon will generate transcript abundance estimates
  • A read that maps equally to more than one transcript will have its count divided among them (Isoform information not lost)
  • A variety of complex modeling approaches are used to estimate transcript abundances, including Expectation Maximization (EM), which corrects for sample-specific biases.
    • GC bias
    • Positional bias
    • Fragment length bias
    • Sequence-based bias


  1. Create and index to the transcriptome with Salmon
  2. Quantify transcript expression using Salmon