March 2021

Differential Gene Expression Analysis Workflow

A Simple Counting Approach

We now have the locations of our reads on the genome.

We also know the locations of exons of genes on the genome.

So the simplest approach is to count how many reads overlap each gene.

A Simple Counting Approach

We now have the locations of our reads on the genome.

We also know the locations of exons of genes on the genome.

So the simplest approach is to count how many reads overlap each gene.

e.g. featureCounts or HTSeq

Problems with the Simple Counting Approach

  • Genes have multiple transcripts, alternative splicing introduces ambiguity
  • Traditional alignment is (relatively) slow and computationally intensive
  • Read sampling is not uniform, there are biases

Problems with the Simple Counting Approach

  • Genes have multiple transcripts, alternative splicing introduces ambiguity
  • Traditional alignment is (relatively) slow and computationally intensive
  • Read sampling is not uniform, there are biases

More sophisticated approaches:

Problems with the Simple Counting Approach

  • Genes have multiple transcripts, alternative splicing introduces ambiguity

Count against the transcriptome instead.

Summarise to gene level for differential gene expression analysis.


  • Traditional alignment is (relatively) slow and computationally intensive

Switch to quasi-mapping or pseudo-alignment to transcriptome


  • Traditional alignment is (relatively) slow and computationally intensive

Switch to quasi-mapping or pseudo-alignment


  • Traditional alignment is (relatively) slow and computationally intensive

Switch to quasi-mapping or pseudo-alignment

Bias models

  • Read sampling is not uniform, there are biases

Include modelling for GC bias, positional bias and sequence bias in the quantification algorithm

Love et al. (2016) Nature Biotechnology doi:10.1038/nbt.3682

Salmon workflow

Salmon workflow


  1. Create and index to the transcriptome with Salmon
  2. Quantify transcript expression using Salmon