April 2024

Single Cell RNAseq Analysis Workflow


The data has been QC’d, normalized, and batch corrected.

We can now start to understand the dataset by identifying cell types. This involves two steps:

  • unsupervised clustering: identification of groups of cells based on the similarities of the transcriptomes without any prior knowledge of the labels usually using the PCA output

  • annotation of cell-types based on transcription profiles

Clustering methods

  • Roughly classified into four categories
    • k-means clustering
    • hierarchical clustering
    • density-based clustering
    • Graph-based clustering
  • First three methods dose not scale well for the large data sets.
  • Data from single cells is best clustered using a graph-based approach, as it is faster and more efficient.

Graph-based clustering


  • fast and memory efficient (no distance matrix for all pairs of cells)
  • no assumptions on the shape of the clusters or the distribution of cells within each cluster
  • no need to specify a number of clusters to identify


  • loss of information beyond neighboring cells, which can affect community detection in regions with many cells.

The steps involved:

Making a graph

Nearest-Neighbour (NN) graph:

  • cells as nodes
  • their similarity as edges

In a NN graph two nodes (cells), say A and B, are connected by an edge if:

  • the distance between them (in e.g. principal component space) is amongst the k smallest distances (here k = 5) from A to other cells, (KNN)


  • In a shared-NN graph (SNN) two cells are connected by an edge if any of their nearest neighbors are shared (n.b. in Seurat this is different)

Once edges have been defined, they can be weighted. By default the weights are calculated using the ‘rank’ method which relates to the highest ranking of their shared neighbours.

Making a graph

Example with different numbers of neighbours (k):

Identifying communities/clusters

What makes a commuity?

A community is a cohesive subgroup within a network has following characteristics

  • Mutual ties: Most of the members are tied to one another within a community.
  • Compactness: A small number of steps are required to reach a group members within a community.
  • High density of ties: High density of ties with in a community.
  • Separation: High frequency of ties with in a community members when compared to non-members.

Community detection algorithms

Here we will address three community detection algorithms: walktrap, louvain and leiden.

These methods rely on the modularity metric to determine a good clustering.

For a given partition of cells into clusters, modularity measures how separated clusters are from each other. This is based on the difference between the observed and expected (i.e. random) weight of edges within and between clusters. For the whole graph, the closer to 1 the better.

Identifying communities/clusters - Walktrap

The walktrap method relies on short random walks (a few steps) through the network. These walks tend to be ‘trapped’ in highly-connected regions of the network. Node similarity is measured based on these walks.

  • Nodes are first each assigned their own community.
  • Pairwise distances are computed and the two closest communities are grouped.
  • These steps are repeated a given number of times to produce a dendrogram.
  • Hierarchical clustering to optimise partition based on modularity.

Identifying communities/clusters - Walktrap

The walktrap method relies on short random walks (a few steps) through the network. These walks tend to be ‘trapped’ in highly-connected regions of the network. Node similarity is measured based on these walks.

  • Nodes are first each assigned their own community.
  • Pairwise distances are computed and the two closest communities are grouped.
  • These steps are repeated a given number of times to produce a dendrogram.
  • Hierarchical clustering to optimise partition based on modularity.

Pons and Latapy, Computing communities in large networks using random walks)

Identifying communities/clusters - Louvain

Identifying communities/clusters - Leiden

There is an issue with the Louvain method - some communities may become disconnected.

The Leiden method improves on the Louvain method by guaranteeing that at each iteration clusters are connected and well-separated. The partitioning is refined (step2) before the aggregate network is made.

Separatedness - silhouette width

Silhouette width provides a measure of how well clustered each cell is. It compares the mean distance between each cell and cells in the same cluster (cohesion) to the mean distance to other cells in the next closest cluster (separation).

\[ \frac{cohesion - separation}{\max(cohesion, separation)} \]

Cells with a large positive width are close to cells in their cluster, while cells with a negative silhouette width are closer to cells of another cluster.

Is there a “correct” clustering?

Clustering, like a microscope, is a tool to explore the data.

We can zoom in and out by changing the resolution of the clustering parameters, and experiment with different clustering algorithms to obtain alternative perspectives on the data.

Asking for an unqualified “best” clustering is akin to asking for the best magnification on a microscope.

A more relevant question is “how well do the clusters approximate the cell types or states of interest?”. Do you want:

  • resolution of the major cell types?
  • Resolution of subtypes?
  • Resolution of different states (e.g., metabolic activity, stress) within those subtypes?

Explore the data, use your biological knowledge!

Image by Les Chatfield from Brighton, England - Fine rotative table Microscope 5, CC BY 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=32225637

Single Cell RNAseq Analysis Workflow

Identifying Cluster Marker Genes

Our goal is to identify genes that are differently expressed between clusters

Calculate effect sizes that capture differences in:

  • mean expression level
  • rank of expression
  • proportion of cells expressing the gene

These are calculated in pairwise cluster comparisons.

Cohen’s d: mean difference

  • Log(fold change) of mean gene expression, standardized by the average standard deviation across the groups.
  • Positive value indicates upregulation in the cluster of interest, and vice-versa.

AUC: rank difference

  • “Area Under the Curve” quantifies the ability to distinguish between two gene expression distributions.
  • Measures the likelihood that a random cell in the cluster of interest has a higher expression of the gene than a random cell in the other cluster.
  • Takes no account of the magnitude of gene expression.
  • Ranges from 0 to 1, which can be interpreted as:
    • 1 = upregulation
    • 0 = downregulation
    • 0.5 = no difference

Detection rate difference

  • Log(fold change) in the proportion of cells in which the gene is detected (counts > 0) in the cluster of interest versus the proportion of cells in which the gene is detected in the other cluster.
  • Takes no account of the magnitude of gene expression.
  • Positive values indicate that the gene is detected in more cells in the cluster of interest than the other cluster.

scran::scoreMarkers() function

For each cluster the function computes the effect size scores between it and every other cluster.

  groups = sce$louvain15      # clusters to compare
  block = sce$SampleGroup,    # covariates in statistical model

Outputs a list of DataFrame with summary statistics for the metrics we just covered (columns named with suffix cohen, AUC and detected).

scran::scoreMarkers(): summary statistics

  • mean.X - mean score across all pairwise comparisons.
  • min.X - minimum score obtained across all pairwise comparisons. Most stringent statistic: high score indicates upregulation relative to all other clusters.
  • median.X - median score across all pairwise comparisons. More robust to outliers than the mean.
  • max.X - maximum score obtained across all pairwise comparisons. The least stringent summary statistic: a high score only indicates that the gene is upregulated relative to at least one other cluster.
  • rank.X - minimum ranking (“min-rank”) of that gene’s score across all clusters. A rank of 1 indicates that gene had the highest score in at least one of the pairwise comparisons.

So, what’s really important?

  • Understand what are we trying to compare with the different scores:

    • difference in mean expression
    • probability of being highly/lowly expressed
    • difference in probability of being expressed
  • Strictly speaking, identifying genes differentially expressed between clusters is statistically flawed, since the clusters were themselves defined based on the gene expression data itself. Validation is crucial as a follow-up from these analyses.

  • Do not use batch-integrated expression data for calculating marker gene scores, instead, include batch in the statistical model (the scoreMarkers() function has the block argument to achieve this).

  • Normalization strategy has a big influence on the results in differences in expression between cell and between clusters.

  • A lot of what you get might be noise. Take two random set of cells and run DE and you probably with have a few significant genes with most of the commonly used tests.

  • It’s important to assess and validate the results. Think of the results as hypotheses that need independent verification (e.g. microscopy, qPCR)