1 Introduction

The first step in the analysis of single cell RNAseq data is to align the sequenced reads against a genomic reference and then use a transcriptome annotation to generate read counts for each feature of interest. Typically for scRNAseq the features of interest are genes.

There are a variety of tools for doing this and your choice will depend in part on the method by which the library was generated. For data generated using the 10x-Chromium method data the most common approach is to use the Cell Ranger tool provided by 10x. This not only carries out the alignment and feature counting, but will also:

Cell Ranger is computationally very intensive, you will not be able to run it on a laptop or standard desktop computer. You will need access to the high performance computing (HPC) cluster.

Alternative methods include:

For the purposes of this course, seeing as we are working with 10x-Chromium derived data, we will use Cell Ranger. As detailed instructions are available on the Cell Ranger pages of the 10x website, this chapter will not be comprehensive in terms of all options, but should provide a brief overview.

Cell Ranger incorporates a number of tools for handling different components of the single cell RNAseq analysis. In this chapter we will be looking at the count tool, which is used to align reads, quantify gene expression and call cells. Later in the course you will encounter the aggr (aggregate) tool, which can be used to merge multiple samples into a single experiment-level data set.

In addition to the analysis tools, Cell Ranger also includes the mkref tool to generate a custom Cell Ranger reference from genomic and transcriptomic references.

For this week’s practical we will learn how to create a custom reference for Cell Ranger and how to use Cell Ranger’s count tool to align single cell RNAseq reads, quantify gene expression per a droplet and identify which droplets potentialy contain cells.

2 Installing Cell Ranger

2.1 Installing Cell Ranger

Download Cell Ranger from 10xgenomics website.

Cell Ranger runs on Linux, and full installation instructions can be found on the 10x website.


We will use this version during this practical.

3 Cell Ranger reference data

3.1 Common references from 10X

Cell Ranger, like other aligners, requires the information about the genome and transcriptome of interest to be provided in a specific format. If you are working with the standard genome/transcriptome of human or mouse then you can download prebuilt references from the 10x website (there is even a combined human-mouse genome reference, which is useful for patient-derived xenograft experiments).

The Bioinformatics Core maintains a repository of references from 10X here:


Note that this includes references for single cell ATAC sequencing and references for ATAC+Gene Expression libraries (ARC).

In addition, it should be noted that the references supplied by 10X have not been updated for some time and they are outdated with reference to the current Ensembl release.

3.2 Custom references

If you require a reference for the genome of another species, wish to use the most recent releases or wish to add custom transcripts to the gene annotation (e.g. fusion genes), then you will need to build your own index using the Cell Ranger mkref tool. In order to prepare our reference for Cell Ranger, we need two files:

  • A reference genome in FASTA format
  • A transcript annotation file in GTF format

These files can be downloaded from public repositories such as Ensembl (see EnsemblGenomes for non-vertebrate genomes). As an example for our course, we have downloaded one of the chromosomes from the human genome page. In a real-life scenario you would download the full genome, conventionally named <species>.<version>.dna.toplevel.fa.gz (for example, Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna.toplevel.fa.gz). We have also downloaded the GTF file with transcript annotation for our genome from the same site.

4 Sync the required data to your scratch drive

We have placed all the data you require on cluster. You will first need to create a copy of this on your scratch drive. Note that you will need to do this at the start of each practical session, so we will use the rsync command. This command synchronises two directories, it will not copy files that are already present in the destination directory unless they differ from the copies in the source directory.

First log in to the cluster if you have not already done so:

ssh clust1-headnode

You will need to enter your password.

Next navigate from the home directory to your “scratch A” (or “scratch B” if you prefer). You will need to replace the <GROUP> and <USERNAME> with your personal details:

cd /scratcha/<GROUP>/<USERNAME>

For example if you were part of the Winton group with the username “smith01”, then the command would be:

cd /scratcha/dwlab/smith01

Note: if you do not already have a directory under /scratcha/<GROUP> you will need to create one using mkdir.

Now copy the Course_Material directory from the bioinformatics scratch:

rsync -vrptg /scratcha/bioinformatics/Course_Materials .

The rsync options we’ve used do the following:

The last three options are required so that when we run the rsync command again, files that have already been copied will look exactly the same as the originals and so will not be copied again.

Now navigate into the Course_Materials directory. All practical work will be carried out in this location.

cd Course_Materials

5 A note regarding the execution of jobs on a cluster

6 Creating a custom reference for Cell Ranger

We will create a new Cell Ranger reference in which we will include three custom genes - these could for example be transgenes or fusion genes. For the sake of time we will only include chr14 from the human genome, but in reality you would normally use the full human reference genome. The “custom genes” we are going to be adding are in fact just random sequences generated for the purposes of this practical.

To make a custom reference we will use the Cell Ranger mkref command. You can find detailed instructions on how to use it to create a reference on the 10X website.

The first step is to create a fasta file for the custom gene sequences and an accompanying gtf file with the gene annotations. We have already done this for you.

In the basic genome reference fasta there is one sequence for each chromosome or contig. The gtf contains details of the genomic locations of different features, such as genes, exons, transcripts and CDSs, on each of these sequences along with “attributes” for each of these features such as gene names, gene IDs etc. Each gene will have multiple entries, e.g one for each exon detailing is start and end locations on the chromosome.

You can read more about the format of the gtf file here. For the Cell Ranger reference the critical tags in the “attributes” column of the gtf are the “gene_id”, “gene_name” and “transcript_id”.

The sequences for the custom genes are the full transcript sequence. In the fasta file we create one chromosome/contig for each gene. For the gtf we will therefore define the gene as having one exon starting at position 1 and ending on the last base of the contig.

You should see a directory called references, which currently contains four files:

The first two files are the references for our “custom genes”, the second two are the references for human chromosome 14. You can view the contents of these files with cat, or head to just the look at the top few lines.

You should also see a directory call scripts. This contains the scripts we will use to the make the reference and then do the alignment, counting and cell calling. It also contains a script called masterscript.md, which contains all the commands that we will type at the command line in this practical.

6.1 Combine the custom gene references with the human references

The first step is to combine the two sets of references.

cd references
cat Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.105.chr14.gtf customgenes.gtf > combined.gtf
cat Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.dna.chromosome.14.fa customgenes.fa > combined.fa
cd ..

You should now have two new files in the references directory called combined.gtf and combined.fa.

6.2 Run mkref on the combined reference

Now we run the cellrange mkref tool on the combined reference. This will require significant memory and multiple cpus, so we will submit this as a batch job to the cluster. In the scripts directory you can find the CellRanger_MakeRef.sh file which is the shell script we will submit. You can view the contents with cat.

To submit the job to the cluster scheduler, we use the Slurm command sbatch:

sbatch scripts/CellRanger_MakeRef.sh

You can check the Slurm queue to see if the job is running or pending using:

squeue -u <username>

You’ll need to replace <username> with your username. The output will look something like:

          17681304   general CR_mkref  smith01 PD       0:00      1 (None)

The “PD” indicates that the job is “Pending”. Once the job is running this will change to “R” and the “TIME” will indicate how long the job has been running. for.

Detailed explanation of code in CellRanger_MakeRef.sh

This first line determines which interpreter will be used to run the rest of the script. There are many kinds of interpreter - bash, tsch, Perl, R Python. For general unix command line script we will us bash.

#SBATCH --cpus-per-task=8
#SBATCH --mem=32G
#SBATCH --time=2:00:00
#SBATCH --reservation=chilam01_101
#SBATCH -o cellranger_mkref.%j.out
#SBATCH -e cellranger_mkref.%j.err
#SBATCH -J cellranger_mkref

These lines are instructions to the the Slurm scheduler, which manages the allocation of cluster resources to jobs that have been submitted. The first three lines are essential and are stating that this job will require 8 processors, 32 Gigabytes of memory and up to 2 hours to run. The -e and -o lines are giving names for files to which output messages or errors from the script will be written; the %j will be replaced by the job number that is allocated when the job is run. This way if you run the script multiple times, you can identify which instance each file refers to.

export PATH=/mnt/scratcha/bioinformatics/chilam01/Bitesize_SingleCell_2024/software/cellranger-7.2.0/bin:${PATH}

This line modifies the “PATH” global variable to add the directory containing the cellranger software. The “PATH” is a variable that contains the paths of directories containing various tools we might want to use at the command line. When you type a command at the command line or in a script, the shell searches these directories to find the a file matching that command.

cellranger mkref --genome=GRCh38_custom_10X \ 
                 --fasta=references/combined.fa \
                 --genes=references/combined.gtf \
                 --memgb=32 \
  • --genome - here we specify a name for the output folder that will contain the reference
  • --fasta - this the path to the fasta file we wish to use to create the new reference
  • --genes - this the path to the gtf file we wish to use to create the new reference
  • --memgb - This specifies the memory that cellranger should use
  • --nthreads - this specifies the number of threads that cellrange can split the job into; it should match the min-cpus option in the header of the script.

The output of the script is a directory GRCh38_custom_10X (you can use any name you wish). This directory contains the various files that make up the Cell Ranger reference. We could then use this in the next step where we will align the reads, count reads against genes and identify which droplets potentially contain cells.

7 Running Cell Ranger count on single cell RNAseq data

Full details for running the cellranger count tool can be found on the 10x website. Here, we go through a typical analysis workflow with this tool. We are not going to use the reference we generated above, but rather a full human genome reference as provided by 10X.

We will download data for this exercise from the Genomics server in exactly the same way you would do if you have had your own samples sequenced by the Genomics Core. The one piece of information we will need is the “SLX” ID. In this case, we will be using some data generated by Kasia as part of testing library prep reagents. There are five samples in the sequencing run. The SLX ID is SLX-21334.

7.1 Download clarity tools

We will be using a piece of software developed specifically for the CI called “Clarity Tools” to retrieve the data from the servers. We will first need to download the clarity tools file.

wget -P software http://internal-bioinformatics.cruk.cam.ac.uk/software/clarity-tools.jar 

This will download the clarity-tools.jar file into a directory called software.

7.2 Download data

Now that we have clarity tools we can use the Fetch_sequence_data.sh script to download the data.

sbatch scripts/Fetch_sequence_data.sh SLX-21334

This script is different to the CellRanger_MakeRef.sh script, in that we have not “hard coded” the SLX ID into the script, but rather need to include it in the command calling the script. This means we can reuse the script with any sequencing project.

This will create a directory called SLX-21334, which contains all the outputs from the automated sequencing processing.

There are five files for each sample, the sample is identified by the name of the sample barcode added during library prep:

  • SLX-21334.{SampleBarcode}.HTLCWDRXY.s_2.i_1.fq.gz - Index 1 (Sample index)
  • SLX-21334.{SampleBarcode}.HTLCWDRXY.s_2.i_2.fq.gz - Index 2 (Sample index)
  • SLX-21334.{SampleBarcode}.HTLCWDRXY.s_2.md5sums.txt - checksum file - see note below
  • SLX-21334.{SampleBarcode}.HTLCWDRXY.s_2.r_1.fq.gz - Read 1 (10x Droplet Barcode + UMI)
  • SLX-21334.{SampleBarcode}.HTLCWDRXY.s_2.r_2.fq.gz - Read 2 (RNA fragment sequence)

Note: checksums are a way to ensure the integrity of downloaded data. See (here for more details)[https://ukdataservice.ac.uk/learning-hub/research-data-management/store-your-data/checksums/].

There are also five “lost reads” files:

  • SLX-21334.HTLCWDRXY.s_2.i_1.lostreads.fq.gz - Index 1 lost reads
  • SLX-21334.HTLCWDRXY.s_2.i_2.lostreads.fq.gz - Index 2 lost reads
  • SLX-21334.HTLCWDRXY.s_2.lostreads.md5sums.txt - checksum for lost reads
  • SLX-21334.HTLCWDRXY.s_2.r_1.lostreads.fq.gz - read1 1 lost reads
  • SLX-21334.HTLCWDRXY.s_2.r_2.lostreads.fq.gz - read2 2 lost reads

When the data come off the sequencer, all the reads for all the samples are in a single file. In order to separate them, the automated process compares the reads in index files (i_1 and i_2) to the list of indexes assigned to each sample (from the Genomic LIMS) and assigns reads to the appropriate sample fastq. Due to technical issues, e.g. sequencing errors, there will always be a small number of reads with indexes that do not match any expected indexes. These reads are placed in the “lostreads” files.

The SLX-21334.HTLCWDRXY.s_2.html file is QC file containing basic information about the sequencing quality. You should move this file to your local machine and check that everything looks okay.

The remaining files relate to the automated processing of the raw sequencing data (in bcl2 format) to the fastq format:

  • SLX-21334.HTLCWDRXY.s_2.bcl2fastq.zip - Zip file stats related to automated processing
  • SLX-21334.HTLCWDRXY.s_2.contents.csv - Details of the samples from the genomics LIMS

7.3 Rename the fastq to the correct format for Cell Ranger

To run Cell Ranger count, the fastq files for samples to be processed should be placed in a single directory. Cell Ranger will be run separately on each sample. You will need to provide the software with the sample name (e.g. SITTH10) of the sample to be processed. Cell Ranger expects the file names of the fastq files to follow a specific convention so that it can correctly identify the files for the each sample. The convention is the default convention used by bcl2fastq (the tool that converts the raw sequencing data in bcl format into fastq files):

  • <SampleName> - An identifier for the sample, this is what Cell Ranger uses to determine which fastq files to combine into a single sample.
  • <SampleNumber> - This is the sample number based on the order that samples were listed in the sample sheet used when running bcl2fastq. This is not important for Cell Ranger, other than it indicates the end of the Sample Name, you can set all your samples to S1.
  • <Lane> - The lane number. If your sequencing was run across multiple lanes, then you may have multiple sets of fastqs for a single sample with different lane numbers.
  • <Read> - The read type: R1 for Read 1, R2 for Read 2, and index reads are I1 and I2.
  • 001 - The last segment is always 001.

You will see that the files we have downloaded from the Genomics server do not follow this convention. Rather than renaming the files, it is better to create a new fastq directory with “soft links” (like shortcuts on a Windows or Mac) that are named according to the Cell Ranger convention and point to the corresponding fastq file. In the scripts directory there is a script called SoftlinkFastq.sh that will do this for us. This is only a small job, so there is no need to submit to the cluster, we can just run this on the headnode.

./scripts/SoftlinkFastq.sh SLX-21334

If you use the command ls -ltr on the new fastq directory, you will see that it contains links with names in the Cell Ranger naming convention that point to the files in the SLX-21334 directory.

7.4 Retrieve a copy of the reference

It is a good idea to keep a copy of the reference used alongside your analysis. This may help if you need to come back to it in the future. You could download the reference directly from the 10X website. We will copy the reference from the Bioinformatics Core’s reference directory.

cp -r /mnt/scratcha/bioinformatics/reference_data/10x/refdata-gex-GRCh38-2020-A \

7.5 Running cellranger count

The minimum information require to run cellranger count is:

  • --id - A sample ID. This is used for naming the outputs
  • --transcriptome - the directory containing the Cell Ranger reference
  • --fastqs - the directory containing the fastq files

This will process all fastq files in the --fastqs directory into a single sample. If you have multiple samples in a single directory then you need to add:

  • --sample - the SampleName from the fastq files as above.

Starting with Cell Ranger 6.1, it is generally recommended to specify the estimated number of cells (defaults to 3,000):

  • --expect-cells - estimate of the expected number of cells in the library.

In addition, Cell Ranger is very computationally intensive, you will usually be wanting to run it on a high performance cluster or server, and it is advisable to set limits to the resources it will use:

  • --localcores - the number of processors Cell Ranger should use
  • --localmem - the amount of memory, in Gigabytes, Cell Ranger should use.

We will use the script CellRanger_Count.sh to run the Cell Ranger pipeline on each sample. This scripts requires two inputs - the sample name or barcode ID for the sample to be processed and the path to the Cell Range reference directory. You may optionally also provide the expected number of cells - this will default to 3000 if it is not provided. The estimated number of cells for these samples is 3000-4000, so we’ll stick with the default.

for barcode in `ls --color=never fastq/ | cut -f 1 -d '_' | uniq`; do
  sbatch scripts/CellRanger_Count.sh ${barcode} ${referenceDir}

8 Cell Ranger outputs

Cell Ranger will create a single results folder for each sample names. Each folder will be named according to the --id option in the command. In the top level of the directory is a sub-directory called outs, this contains the results of the analysis pipeline. There are also many intermediate and log files/directories that will not be of immediate interest.

The contents of the sample directory will look like this:

The contents of the outs directory are:

The two count matrix directories each contain 3 files:

The count matrix directories and their corresponding HDF5 files contain the same information, they are just alternative formats for use depending on the tools that are used for analysis. In this course we will be loading the contents of the count matrix directories into R.

The filtered count matrix only contains droplets that have been called as cells by Cell Ranger.

8.1 The summary report

The Cell Ranger summary report - web_summary.html - is a very useful first port of call for assessing the quality of the data. An example is linked here (See also here).

The first tab, Summary, contains various QC metrics about sequencing quality, mapping quality and cell calling. The second tab, Analysis, provides some basic analysis of droplets that Cell Ranger has identified as potentially containing cells, including some clustering and gene expression analysis. This report is interactive, allowing you to some very basic data exploration.

The report itself contains brief explanations of the contents of each section. These can be accessed by clicking the question mark icon in the header of the section. A more comprehensive explanation of the various components of the report can be found on the 10x website.

8.2 The cloupe file and the Loupe browser

The cloupe.cloupe file that Cell Ranger generates can be loaded using the Loupe Browser application provided by 10x. This provides an interactive visualization and analysis platform that allows you to extensively explore your data with a point and click interface. The 10X website provides extensive instructions on how you can use the Loupe Browser.

The browser will allow you, for example, to find cells of interest through filtering and clustering tools, identify genes whose expression characterizes particular clusters of cells, or identify the type of cells in different clusters based on gene expression. While the browser is an excellent tool for data exploration and identification of potential avenues of analysis, it should not be used as a substitute for proper bioinformatic analysis. In particular, it should be remembered that Cell Ranger has not performed any QC on the contents of the droplets it has called as cells - in the next section of the course we will perform additional QC to eliminate poor quality cells.

8.3 The count matrices

8.3.1 What are the counts?

Remember that for each read we have a sample barcode, a cell barcode, and a UMI. In addition we now have location on the genome and a corresponding gene annotation. The count for any gene for any cell is the number of unique reads detected for the combination:

sample barcode + cell barcode + UMI + gene ID

Thus we avoid counting PCR duplicate reads as these will have the same UMI. For this reason we more commonly talk about the “UMI count” rather than the “Read count”; the “Read count” could be higher than the “UMI count”

8.3.2 The count matrix outputs

The raw count matrix outputs can be found in the directory outs/raw_feature_bc_matrix under each sample directory. This contains three files:

  • barcodes.tsv.gz - containing a list of cell (droplet) barcodes detected
  • features.tsv.gz - containing a list of all the features (genes) assayed
  • matrix.mtx.gz - containing the counts for each gene for each barcode

The matrix.mtx.gz is not a simple table of barcodes x features. Most of these counts would be ‘0’ and given the very large numbers of barcodes and features, the full table would be extremely large. In order make things more manageable the matrix.mtx.gz file only contains information about cells in the table that are non-zero.

Use the following commands to look at the three files and understand how they are related:

zcat SITTA11/outs/barcodes.tsv.gz | head
zcat SITTA11/outs/barcodes.tsv.gz | wc -l
zcat SITTA11/outs/features.tsv.gz | head
zcat SITTA11/outs/features.tsv.gz | wc -l
zcat SITTA11/outs/matrix.mtx.gz | head
zcat SITTA11/outs/matrix.mtx.gz | wc -l

head just prints out the top 10 lines of the file; wc -l gives you the number of lines in the file.

8.3.3 Filtered vs. Raw matrices

Cell Ranger performs some analysis on the data to distinguish between droplets that contain cells and empty droplets. The filtered counts matrices only contain data for droplets that Cell Ranger has determined to contain cells. It performs this filtering in two steps.

  1. UMI threshold based filtering:
    By default, Cell Ranger expects 3000 cells (you can change this in the arguments of the Cell Ranger command). Cell Ranger takes the top 3000 droplets by UMI counts. It then takes the UMI count at the 99th percentile of this set of cells. It then divides this number of UMIs by 10 to determine a hard UMI threshold. All droplets with a UMI count above this threshold are called as cells.

  2. Comparison of droplet RNA profile with background:
    This algorithm is based on one initially developed in the dropletUtils R package. Cell Ranger selects all droplets with a UMI count of less than 500 (this will usually be 100’s of thousands). This set of droplets is assumed to definitely not contain cells and as such any RNA detected is merely background within the media (due to damaged cells leaking RNA). An RNA profile is derived for this background. The RNA profile of all droplets with more than 500 UMIs but less than the hard UMI threshold is then compared to this background profile. Any droplet with a profile that differs significantly from the background profile is called as a cell.

A detailed description of the Cell Calling algorithm, along with explanations of the other algorithms used in the alignment and countings steps, can be found on the 10x Cell Ranger pages

The plot below shows a “barcode rank plot”. This is taken from the Cell Ranger web_summary.html report.

This plot shows the UMI counts for all droplets, the droplets have been ranked by UMI count and coloured according to whether they have been called as cells or not. The light blue region, indicates a region where some droplets have been called as cells, but other have not - depending on the outcome of the RNA profiling step of the algorithm.

8.3.4 Cell Ranger reports

Each sample has a report created by cell ranger that provides QC and cell calling information, along with some preliminary clustering and differential expression analysis. The report can be found at outs/web_summary.html under the directory for each sample.

On your laptop open the web_summary.html reports for each of the samples and review the results.