Course Description
It has been said that 80% of data analysis is spent on the process of cleaning and preparing the data. In this course we introduce some relatively-new additions to the R programming language; dplyr and ggplot2. In combination these provide a powerful toolkit to make the process of manipulating and visualising data easy and intuitive.
Course Prequisites
We will assume that you have basic familarity with R and are familiar with vectors, data frames, variables and using functions. We have a crash course that covers these topics.
Several Online videos are available that cover these materials, for example
Topics Covered
- How R enables reproducible research
- What constitues a tidy dataset
- "Piping" commands together to form a workflow
- Subseting and filtering datasets using dplyr
- Producing summary statistics from a dataset
- Joining datasets using dplyr
- The grammar of graphics approach to plotting used in ggplot2
- Producing publication-ready graphics using ggplot2
Course Data
click on this link
to download all the files required to run the examples in the course.
You will need an updated version of R and RStudio Desktop.
Useful Resources